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White House Stands by Veto Threat


White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Wednesday that he believed President Barack Obama still intended to veto the National Defense Authorization Act if it includes funding for a controversial fighter jet engine regardless of whether a “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal measure and the DREAM Act provision are attached to the bill.

The Advocate: The DREAM Act may be included, as you know, as part of the defense authorization bill, as well as DADT repeal, will the president — does he still plan on potentially vetoing that defense authorization bill if it includes money for the [alternate] engine?
Gibbs: I know of no position change on our veto threat.

The DREAM Act is important to the immigrant community because it would create a way for undocumented youth who come to America as children to gain permanent residency through either higher education or military service. The pro-LGBT group Immigration Equality has also urged support for the provision, saying it “would benefit countless LGBT youth by providing them with a path to citizenship in the United States.”

Following his initial answer to the question, Gibbs said he would double-check on the status of the veto threat but that the president had “spent an enormous amount of time” working with Defense secretary Robert Gates on the task of “reshaping the way the Pentagon spends money.”

Gates initially started pushing a presidential veto threat for the Joint Stryker Fighter alternate engine program last spring after the House of Representatives voted to include $500 million for the alternate engine in its version of the NDAA.

Just prior to the question, Gibbs told reporters the president had been supportive of the DREAM Act as a senator and that the administration supports it now.

From the official White House transcript:

Gibbs finishing his answer from the previous question: Well, I think, Goyal, what you’re referring to is the DREAM Act, which affects the children of parents that are in the United States. The president was a supporter of the DREAM Act as a senator. The administration is supportive of that legislation. The previous administration was supportive of that legislation. And certainly it’s our hope that working with Congress we can see progress on that. And none of that will replace what has to happen from a comprehensive level and a comprehensive perspective to deal with the issues around immigration reform.

The Advocate: Can I follow on that?

Gibbs: Sure.

The DREAM Act may be included, as you know, as part of the defense authorization bill.

Gibbs: That’s what Senator Reid has said, right.

Right — as well as “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal. Will the president — does he still plan on potentially vetoing that defense authorization bill if it includes money for the alternative engine?

Gibbs: I know of no position change on our veto threat around that.

So even if it includes “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal and the —

Let me see if I can get further guidance, but I think an earlier statement said that. And as I mentioned earlier, the president is enormously — has spent an enormous amount of time, as Secretary Gates has, on the tasks at hand in reshaping the way the Pentagon spends money, contracting a whole host of issues that go directly to the resources that come from our government and go through and to the Pentagon.

So no change on that position?

Gibbs: I know of no change on that.

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Reader Comments
  • Name: Bill
    Date posted: 9/17/2010 3:06:17 PM
    Hometown: Arlington


    @pepa – I want to respond to pepa’s incessant drumbeat to those he believes supported Obama in 2008 and a demand that we “repent.” I along with others have been a target of this criticism. For the record, yes I voted for Obama. I am too old to fall for the series of promises that he made on a wide array of issues, including GLBT. In that, he is no different than any pol. But when I walked into the voting booth in 2008, there were two viable candidates: McCain and Obama. The McCain that ran (unlike the one I so liked in 2001) had turn mean, conservative and destructively patrician. He repudiated great positions that he had taken previously. He had melanoma above the neck four times. AND, he picked the dumbest woman on the planet as VP. On the other hand, I found Obama (while overpromising and naïve) to be a more decent man, far more balanced, and believed that he would send a vital message to the world that we had become more cosmopolitan. I was very impressed with his commitment to universal healthcare. PLEASE, for me there was no choice. Am I sorry that I voted for Obama – hell no, look at the choice. So pepa, does that mean you voted for McCain???

  • Name: pepa
    Date posted: 9/17/2010 1:27:04 AM
    Hometown: gayrea51.blogspot.com


    This insertion of the "Dream Act" (written by people who live in a dream world) is a DISGRACE and I'm not endorsing the authorization bill. This is obviously not about gay people anymore but about ideology. And I cannot support that.

  • Name: allan
    Date posted: 9/16/2010 7:35:47 PM
    Hometown: mailbu adjacent


    to alan stern - you are jewish right? i know a lot of sterns, and they're all jewish. Anyway, didn't like your comments. After all your religious rightious hateful people have done to our economy and wall street, you have no right to speak at all. It has taken 9 years for an upswell of hate to surface about 9/11. It may take that long for all the unemployed to come to New York and destroy wall street. The coming revolution and cleansing is coming. I will never ever trust a jew again to manage my money. I'd rather die poor., than let your kind have at it. As I write these words, those still in control on wall street are making all the money, and doing nothing for investors. The Obama administration did nothing to protect us., and neither did the SEC. It's all rhetoric. Nothing substantial , and a few go to jail for what many have done, and continue to do. I can see the writing on the wall. The republicans will win both the senate and the house. (continued)

  • Name: Keith
    Date posted: 9/16/2010 3:45:39 PM
    Hometown: Foster City


    I can be a little dense sometimes, but couldn't Obama sign the National Defense Authorization bill, and then Gates can just instruct the Department of Defense NOT to spend the half-billion dollars for the engine? Just because it's passed in the bill, does not imply an automatic requirement that they spend the money as budgeted, does it?

  • Name: yam
    Date posted: 9/16/2010 11:36:29 AM
    Hometown: newyork


    I am very disappointed with Obama.I had very high hopes from him.Forget about giving any outcome to LGBT community he is not showing any will or attempt that will show he is serious about our cause.our community voted him and donated him heavily and now he is betraying our cause just for issue of JET ENGINE. but what are our options we certainly cant vote republicans.Obama can get again LGBT votes in 2012 due to TINA factor

  • Name: michaelandfred
    Date posted: 9/16/2010 8:42:57 AM
    Hometown: miami beach


    There we go, I was wondering when this little gem would be back in the news. And this was it. After the change in November you can bet DADT won't be back for a vote and then Obama can go back to saying that it's not him, but Congress that has to repeal the law. So it's up to the courts now to make our politicians follow the constitution. What a weak president. Always pushing in the wrong direction on just about every issue. This whole deficit debate gridlocking Washington and no one ever brings up the trillion dollars of waste a year that goes to the military. But when it comes to a civil rights issue that could help change the face of America, and out comes the pen to save a bit of cash. Our military is larger than the next 6 combined and we have the two largest air forces in the world. Our Air Force, and the one that belongs to our Navy. 20 Billion? Please.....

  • Name: Franz
    Date posted: 9/16/2010 2:41:28 AM
    Hometown: Seattle


    sorry viktor, but we can think and see for ourselves without a post. If Obama's record on gay rights is what you're using to stand by your last comment then you really don't have a leg to limp on.

  • Name: viktor
    Date posted: 9/16/2010 1:14:39 AM
    Hometown: los angeles


    I'm sorry, but most of you are seriously overreacting. Kerry writes her usual Obama rant and you all jump to it... Sad.

  • Name: Franz
    Date posted: 9/15/2010 11:38:56 PM
    Hometown: Seattle


    Yeah, okay Obama, so this country blows at least, AT LEAST, 20 billion every quarter for "defense spending" and all of a sudden you are becoming fiscally conservative....yeah.

  • Name: Fred Stanley
    Date posted: 9/15/2010 11:32:59 PM
    Hometown: Palm Springs, CA


    I believe that Obama's veto over the jet engine is just a smokescreen!! DOD has already wasted too much money. He has never supported repeal of DADT. He wanted our votes and our money and then screws us.


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