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Exit poll says far right gains in Vienna vote

WZ Online / Reuters

Austria's resurgent far-right party was poised to win a quarter of the vote in Vienna's provincial election on Sunday, an exit poll showed, as voters took worries about immigration and security to the ballot box.

The elections in Vienna, a traditional Social Democrat stronghold, reflect a wider European trend as voters concerned about the economic crisis and integration of Muslims turn to rightist parties.

Vienna's Social Democrats under Michael Haeupl, mayor since 1994, are seen coming first with a predicted 42-46 percent but risk losing their absolute majority.

As at the national level, they will probably turn to the third-placed conservatives if they need a coalition partner.

The far-right Freedom Party is seen winning 23-26 percent according to an exit poll published by state broadcaster ORF, compared to 15 percent in 2005.

The projected results suggest the Freedom Party is returning to its strength of the late 1990s. In 2000 it became a minority coalition partner with the conservatives in Austria's national government, leading other European countries to impose mild diplomatic sanctions against Austria.

Just over 1 million people were eligible to vote in the Vienna province comprising the wealthy capital city, Austria's financial and political hub. A projected result based on a small portion of real votes is expected at around 1600 GMT.

10.10.2010 17:36:00

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