Becoming An Outdoors Woman
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The Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) program is designed to introduce women to outdoor skills. The BOW program provides participants with information, encouragement and hands-on instruction in outdoor skills such as fishing, shooting, archery, map & compass, survival, canoeing, and outdoor cooking.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks invites you to join women from across the state for a weekend full of adventurous outdoor activities.

Canoe Class Backpacking Class Turtles GPS Class

BOW workshops are open to anyone 18 years of age and older. The BOW workshop is for you if…

  • You have never tried these activities, but have hoped for an opportunity to learn.
  • You are a beginner who hopes to improve your skills.
  • You know how to do some of these activities, but would like to try your hand at some new ones.
  • You enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals and you seek time away to reconnect with nature.

Quotes from BOW participants

Archery Class

Archery class
"Hands on learning was great and the progression of shooting skills in the exercises helped " grow" us—even in a half day. This is my thing!"

Fly Fishing class
"I had very little knowledge about how to fly fish. This class helped me understand the basics of fly-fishing. I am excited to be able to get on the water so that I can practice what I learned."

Shotgun Class

Basic Gun Handling class
"I now know how to handle a gun safely and responsibly with confidence. The instructors were very calm and I trusted them immediately. They also took a subject that people can be very anxious about and made it very approachable and fun."

Dutch Oven Cooking

Dutch Oven Cooking class
"I went in knowing nothing and now know quite a bit about cooking in one. Can't wait to go home and try it out!"

Map & Compass class
"I know I can finally use a map & compass. Have lots more confidence going out - especially by myself. Also nice to know I can outdo the "ex" on yet another outdoor activity!! Well done!"

Plant Identification Class

Plant Identification class
"The instructor's preparation of handouts & having scoped the site prior to the class indicated how interested she was in teaching and her great passion for the subject."