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Pelosi’s performance has been disastrous

WASHINGTON — Against the black sky, the lighted Capitol dome looked gloriously scrubbed that night. In a hotel nearby, Nancy Pelosi…

Toying with the law leaves voters puzzled

WASHINGTON — To his fans, Carl Paladino’s baseball bat represents the unyielding resolve of a reformer. To would-be voters in a…

GOP is gearing up to suffocate idealists

WASHINGTON — In addition to Carl Paladino on the state level, there are now a half-dozen tea party candidates for the…

State might be better off had it gone bankrupt


Humorist James Thurber wondered in a short story what might have happened if Gen. Ulysses S. Grant had been hung over…

Douglas Turner: Lee must keep pushing China currency bill


WASHINGTON — It may be because he is on a second career, or that he has known success outside politics. Rep.…

Douglas Turner: Rush to condemn mosque leads nowhere


WASHINGTON — The political chatter-works up in Buffalo hold that Carl Paladino, despite his history of bombast, is a nice guy…

Douglas Turner: GOP should embrace economic nationalism


WASHINGTON — The stars seem to be aligned for a Republican takeover of the House and massive GOP gains in the…

Douglas Turner: Debts destabilizing American economy

WASHINGTON — Passage by the Senate, and soon the House, of the latest teachers’ bailout is being hailed as a victory.…

Douglas Turner: Time to start anew on disclosure bill


WASHINGTON — Last January, Chief Justice John G. Roberts and four conservative colleagues revealed that they were fully infused with Capitol…

Douglas Turner: Incumbents toe the line to keep donors happy


WASHINGTON — The thick party packaging that your Congress has become will be opened ever so slightly when Rep. Charles B.…

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Paladino gets his wish for a debate

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Electric alarm clock likely cause of blaze

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