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Milwaukee's Daily Magazine for Friday, Nov. 26, 2010

Hi: 29
Lo: 20
Hi: 33
Lo: 24
Hi: 45
Lo: 35
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Search Tips:

Enter a phrase in the search phrase field. This will match events whose name, description, or location match that phrase. Partial matches are returned, e.g. searching for 'ten' will return events with 'ten', 'tennis', 'written', etc.

Specify a date range by choosing a start and/or end date. This will limit the events returned to those that occur on or after the selected start date, and on or before the end date. Clicking on a day in the "Events this week" section at the top of the page will return events occuring on that day.

You can also filter your results by related businesses and bands using the drop-down boxes below. Choosing a business or band will only return results match that business or band.

Additionally, you can filter your results by the event's categories. Check or un-uncheck the category boxes below to include or exclude events in that category. Many events are placed in more than one category.

The results are sorted by date (earliest to latest) by default. You can, however, sort by either name or location by choosing a different sort option below.

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Milwaukee Event Calendar

Submit Your Event

Fields marked * are required

Choose your event's location from the dropdown below. If you don't find the one you're looking for, enter the location in the "Other" box.

at :

  (Leave blank if it's the same as the start date)
at :

Example: This meeting is held every other Monday

Enter any terms (separated by commas) not found in the event's name or description that describe your event. e.g. concert, Christmas, kid-friendly

Please enter the full URL.