Obama makes surprise trip to Afghanistan

Obama makes surprise trip to Afghanistan

President Obama made a brief, unannounced visit Friday to Afghanistan. But in a scenario that seemed symbolic of star-crossed U.S. relations...

3 military chiefs oppose 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal

3 military chiefs oppose 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal

Reporting from Washington

Democrats try to regain balance in fight over tax cuts

Congressional Democrats searched for leverage Friday in their bitter debate with Republicans over extending George W. Bush-era tax cuts,...

More From the Times

The drug war at our doorstep.
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WikiLeaks doesn't tell all

WikiLeaks doesn't tell all

The headlines from the WikiLeaks dump of thousands of not-very-...

'Slurpee Summit' gets chilly reception

'Slurpee Summit' gets chilly reception

The "Slurpee Summit" is over, and if its participants didn't sound...

Protecting California's prisoners

Protecting California's prisoners

Ordinarily, states rely on courts and prisons to protect the citizenry...

Watch out for WikiLeaks

Watch out for WikiLeaks

Many disclosures of classified information, such as the release of the...

International help pours in as Israel battles forest fire

International help pours in as Israel battles forest fire

Spain unveils new round of budget cuts

Youth sought in Mexico killings arrested

On Colombian minefields, rats may become man's best friends

Violence feared as Ivory Coast election results are reversed

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More National News

Deficit panel's plan gets some bipartisan backing

President Obama's deficit reduction commission fell a few votes shy of the number needed to send its proposal to Capitol Hill for action,...

Unemployment rate rises to 9.8% in November

Unemployment rate rises to 9.8% in November

In a major setback for the economy, the nation's jobless rate jumped to 9.8% in November as employers added a surprisingly measly amount...

Congress turns down the volume on TV ads

Taking aim at a national annoyance, Congress has sent President Obama legislation that lowers the volume on loud TV ads.

A chaplain's ultimate sacrifice for God and country

A chaplain's ultimate sacrifice for God and country

When Christy Goetz's husband, Dale, told her at the outset of the war in Iraq that he wanted to join the Army to become a chaplain, she...

'Don't ask, don't tell' repeal picks up some GOP support

'Don't ask, don't tell' repeal picks up some GOP support

Repeal of the law barring gays from serving openly in the military picked up new Republican support Friday, increasing its chances of...

GOP resolve dominates the agenda in Congress

Republicans rolled out a confrontational, no-compromise strategy this week that may carry long-term risks, but has put them in position to...

White House accused of urging businesses to quit Chamber of Commerce

Since taking office nearly two years ago, President Obama has frequently clashed with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a major business group...

School lunch bill awaits Obama's signature

School lunch bill awaits Obama's signature

The first legislation in 30 years to significantly increase the number of needy children who can receive subsidized meals at school was on...

Connecticut man gets death penalty for home invasion killings

A Connecticut man sentenced to death Thursday in the killings of a woman and her two daughters said his execution would be "a welcome...

Chesapeake watermen try fishing for tourists

David Whitelock stood in the open stern of the workboat and reveled in the nearly pristine view as the vessel cruised the Nanticoke River. A...

GOP holds reins in debate over tax cut extension

A day after agreeing to work with President Obama to end a stalemate over expiring tax cuts, congressional Republicans flexed their newfound...

Obama administration withdraws offshore drilling plan

Citing the lessons of the BP oil spill, the Obama administration reversed course Wednesday and pulled plans to open the eastern Gulf of...

Even a little extra weight can be detrimental

Even a little extra weight can be detrimental

Doctors and public health officials have been admonishing us for years that it's unhealthful to carry around extra pounds. A new study...

Deficit commission report leaves many members leery

A proposed final report by President Obama's deficit commission warned Wednesday of a fiscal "reckoning" unless major sacrifices are made,...

Sen. Ensign won't face criminal charges, attorney says

Sen. Ensign won't face criminal charges, attorney says

Federal officials have determined that Sen. John Ensign will not face criminal charges in connection with his efforts to find lobbying...

Erasing traumatic memories may soon be possible

Soldiers haunted by scenes of war and victims scarred by violence may wish they could wipe the memories from their minds. Researchers at...

Astronauts considered in NASA budget cuts

With NASA's budget under pressure and the space shuttle program set to retire, even the agency's most sacred cow — the 64-member...

Number of stars in universe may be vastly larger than thought

Here's a finding that may make some stargazers do a double-take through their telescopes: There may be three times as many stars in the...