Uganda newspaper stokes anti-gay sentiment

Stosh, a 33-year-old lesbian, lived a secret life because of a Ugandan law against homosexuality until a newspaper recently identified her as gay.

More on Africa

Civilian casualties mount in Mogadishu

Civilian casualties mount in Mogadishu

When Mohamed Ali Dahir, a 21-year-old business administration student, used to board the bus to school, he wasn't worried about being...

Kenya driver's come a long way

"You have served me camel."

For Somali refugees, the road leads from one misery to another

For Somali refugees, the road leads from one misery to another

He buried his children and fled west across the border to a new country.

Staff Benda Bilili's Congolese rhythms hit global scale

Staff Benda Bilili's Congolese rhythms hit global scale

In the long history of music, there have been improbable success stories. But even in such company, as a drunk man in the French documentary...

Malta guards Europe's gates against African immigrants

Malta guards Europe's gates against African immigrants

When the 24-year-old Somali chemistry teacher saw the airplane overhead, he prayed that his nightmare journey was finally over.

Bombs kill 8 as Nigeria celebrates independence

Bombs kill 8 as Nigeria celebrates independence

— Eight people were killed and three were injured Friday in car bombings that hit Nigeria's capital near a parade marking the 50th...

Egyptian tycoon sentenced to prison in pop diva's death

Egyptian tycoon sentenced to prison in pop diva's death

In a murder case many Egyptians regarded as a test of whether the wealthy here can escape justice, a court on Tuesday sentenced a...

Some in South Africa call for nationalizing struggling mines

When Nelson Mandela's grandson and Jacob Zuma's nephew took over the insolvent Grootvlei gold mine, east of Johannesburg, the workers...

 Obama seeks accountability on foreign aid

Obama seeks accountability on foreign aid

President Obama unveiled to world leaders Wednesday a new plan for distributing U.S. aid to struggling nations, promising to "change the way...

Former South Africa mugger's life took shape in prison

Former South Africa mugger's life took shape in prison

Sydney Cindi used to hang around banks, knife concealed, his concentration on the one thing he wanted: money.

Somali prime minister resigns in leadership dispute

Somali prime minister resigns in leadership dispute

Following months of political bickering in a country battling a relentless Islamic insurgency, Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali...

South Sudan independence vote stokes concerns

South Sudan independence vote stokes concerns

Sudan is less than four months away from a vote that is expected to break it into two countries, a move that could spark another civil war...

U.N. Millennium Development Goals appear out of reach in Africa

U.N. Millennium Development Goals appear out of reach in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa will not reduce poverty and hunger and improve child and maternal healthcare to meet the goals set a decade ago by the...

On the Nile, Egypt cuts water use as Ethiopia dams for power

On the Nile, Egypt cuts water use as Ethiopia dams for power

On the sloping western shores of Lake Tana in central Ethiopia, where villagers gape at new tractors as if they were Ferraris and power...

Those South African soccer grannies sure are on the move

Those South African soccer grannies sure are on the move

It's amazing the new things you can begin to do in your seventh decade. Or your eighth.

Somali militant group claims responsibility for Uganda blasts

Somali militant group claims responsibility for Uganda blasts

A powerful Al Qaeda-affiliated militant faction in Somalia claimed responsibility Monday for two bomb attacks in Uganda's capital that...

Egyptian group wants to censor Arabic classic

Egyptian group wants to censor Arabic classic

Let the ancient temptress beware, censors with sharp pens beckon.

South Africa the nation is the big World Cup winner

South Africa the nation is the big World Cup winner

They would never finish the stadiums on time. Transportation would be a fiasco. Tourists who weren't shot, stabbed or killed in car crashes...

South African creates dance for World Cup

South African creates dance for World Cup

The dance begins easily enough, with a knock-kneed jump. Then a series of soccer kicks, a sideways prance, a thrusting pump, a backward kick...

The Rev. Nico Smith dies at 81; white South African pastor who fought apartheid

The Rev. Nico Smith, a white pastor who challenged South Africa's apartheid system by moving with his wife into a black township in the...

Militant killed in Gaza, Israeli officials say

Yemen branch of Al Qaeda avoids mistakes made in Iraq, report says

Yemen branch of Al Qaeda avoids mistakes made in Iraq, report says

French youths protesting on behalf of their elders, and themselves

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