What is SLurl?

SLurl provides direct teleport links to locations in Second Life. If you have Second Life installed, clicking on the map link will automatically teleport you to that location in-world.

Why use SLurl?

In addition to allowing customized control over mapping locations in Second Life, SLurl also provides a better experience for web users who don't have Second Life. Instead of getting an error when clicking on web links that begin with "secondlife://", visiting a SLurl link gives potential new users a chance to sign up.

How can I create a SLurl?

Just link to SLurl.com with a Second Life location:


So, for example, to link to Ahern(50,50,50), you would enter the following:

http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/50/50/50/ <-- The final z-coordinate is optional.

But wait, there's more! You can customize the window content by adding query strings:

For quick and easy SLurls try SLurlBuilder, a handy tool originally created by SL Resident Ordinal Malaprop.