
Apple iPod Touch 2010 (8GB)

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  • 5.0 stars

    "Actual Owner of iPod Touch 4G" on by LonnyGC

    Pros: + Display is brilliant
    + Speed of the processor amazing
    + Video quality is very much enjoyable
    + Rear camera is excellent
    + Internet browsing loads super fast

    Cons: - No in-line microphone on the earbuds
    - Dock connector doesn't sit flush with the device
    - Speaker gets blocked easily

    Summary: Alright, so Best Buy got the 8GB iPod Touch 4G in stock so I drove an hour to go get one. I was not disappointed. I will run through the features I have come across so far.

    Body: Aside from moving the sleep button to the right and making the back of the device slimmer and more flat, not much has changed. Yes, the chrome back is still there erg! It was so pretty for the first 30 seconds.

    Ram: The Ram on the iPod Touch is only 256 MB, so do not believe the talk of 512 MB, it is simply not true.

    Wireless: Fully supports A/B/G/N

    Vibration: There is no vibration, so do not expect that.

    Multitasking: Works real well and very smooth transition

    Display: While the display on the iPod is not IPS like the iPhone do not think it suffers in anyway. This display is so beautiful and crisp to look at. I cannot even distinguish the pixels, and text on a website is like you are reading out of a book, it's so refreshing. I played a digital copy of "UP" on here and the colors practically jump off the screen, very nice. Apple's icons are so much more vivid and sharp, while 3rd party developer icons who have yet to make an upgrade for the new displays shows what a step up this new screen has to offer.

    Speaker: I am not sure of the quality of the speaker on the 3G iPod Touch, but on my 2G iPod Touch it was very tinny and I only used it for game sound. Here on the 4G there is a new spot on the bottom left for the speaker and it has risen in clarity. Music is very listenable and clear, however nothing replaces a good set of earbuds, but when you're in a jam, you won't be gritting your teeth with this speaker.

    Processor: The new Apple processor is a sure win for this device. Everything loads very fast and switching from one screen to another is very swift and smooth. Crash Bandicoot finally has a nice framerate to play with on this iPod and for once I did not regret buying that game.

    Front Camera: This is the camera that is primarily used for Facetime. It's resolution is at 640 X 480. After taking a few pictures with it, you will notice how it is really not for taking stills, but works fine for videochatting (which I have not tried, but did run some video tests with it). Obviously Facetime will work better in well lit areas, but then again, doesn't any camera?

    Rear Camera: Again stills are just so so. What really bugs me is when you go to take a picture, you see how crisp the preview is, then you take the picture and you can see it blur. The tap to focus works nice for adjusting exposure and well lit photos look very decent on the display. It's when you upload them to your computer when you notice how not so decent they actually are. While this may be a negative for many people, if you are like me, you want to just upload photos with this device to FaceBook and capture funny moments with the video camera. If I want to take a really awesome picture, I'll pull out my DSLR, but for me this iPod's capabilities are more than adequate for my quick shooting of certain events. The video captures quite nicely, while not superb like an actual HD camcorder does enough for me for again, capturing fun moments. Don't worry, you don't cringe while watching the video, it's more than adequate and produces vibrant colors and a fast framerate. Some may complain on this, and believe me those reviews will be here shortly, but then again why not buy an HD Camcorder that is made for HD content?

    Microphone: Testing out Skype my friend told me I was coming in loud and clear. I also played back a video I made on the iPod on my computer and the microphone captures top notch audio. Very crisp and clear, I was quite pleased.

    Battery: While I haven't tested out Apple's claims of 40 hr. of music, let's be honest who really does that? I'm sure Apple's claims are quite credible in their battery life depending on how the device is used.

    Is the new iPod worth it? For me, upgrading from the 2G Touch, yes! The display is brilliant, the speed of the processor amazing, video quality is very much enjoyable and the rear camera is excellent for taking quick fun shots. If I had one word to describe this iPod, it would be fun! You can't handle one of these without feeling like a joyous kid, (I'm 22) and the business aspect is still there and quite useful. I would highly recommend this iPod Touch as a worthy upgrade to any generation of the iPod Touch you may own and if you don't own one, there has never been a more perfect time to go out and get one! Don't hesitate to leave a comment here if you have a question for an actual owner. I'll do what I can!

    *** P.S. If you will buy this iPod touch I suggest you have compare price before you decide at:

  • 5 replies to this review
  • reply on March 5, 2011 by JosephLED

    We found this product to be such an imporvment from the older Ipod touch. The Last one we had was a 2nd genetation and it often gave us issues with the touch screen. We finally gave in and got a new one 4th generation and it was the best thing we could have dont. The movie quality is so much better then the 2nd generation. Theover all aplication feature is better.. all in all its so much better then what we had before.

  • reply on March 5, 2011 by RobertMobileMania

    Frankly, I didn't buy this as a music-playing device--I was more excited about using iPhone/iPad apps, while my trusty five-year-old Treo 650 takes my phone calls.

    The interface is quickly understood, the aesthetics of the device are unbeatable, I'm enjoying many of the benefits of an iPhone and I'm not locked into a contract with a certain huge phone company.

  • reply on March 5, 2011 by FernandoNY

    I have been reluctant to buy into the whole Apple brand. The idea of being locked into iTunes and Apple for everything just wasn't appealing-- still doesn't appeal! However, I love my iPod! It makes life so simple. In fact, I became so smitten that I went out and got my wife an iPad. No longer does she bother me with questions about logging on to anything, downloading this or that, or opening a program. As with the iPod, once you have the app, everything is just a click away! In the time it once took me to boot up my laptop, I have already checked email, Facebook, news, the weather, and all while listening to Lady Gaga!

  • reply on March 5, 2011 by YoungAppleFan

    I was happy with my iPod 2nd generation (which I'd also bought via Amazon), but I'm thrilled with the improvements Apple has made with this 4th generation touch. Having front and back cameras, built-in mic were big jumps forward, especially with the new, free Apple app for their computers and mobile devices, FaceTime. That's essentially given me a picture phone.

  • reply on March 5, 2011 by Bryan717

    Before its release, I knew Apple would release an iPod touch with a camera... so I waited, and finally it came. I love it. It's an awesome piece of hardware with a ton of functions for the modern gadget user. I use it so much that I rarely have to go on my computer. I think it was a great buy. I highly recommend it.

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