Power Reactor Information System - PRIS


The Agency has been collecting operating information from nuclear power plants in its member states since the late 1960s. The data have been provided voluntarily by the Member States in response to annual questionnaires either through official government authority channels or through designated national correspondents, usually in the operating organizations.

PRIS contains general and basic design information on power reactor in operation, under construction, planned or shut down, and operating experience data on nuclear power plants in the world. Operating experience data includes the energy produced (or lost due to power reductions) and the hours of operation of a reactor, a set of performance indicators (energy availability factor, load factor, operating factor, etc.) and one record for each significant reactor outage. Outage data are recorded in PRIS with codes for the main causes of outages and the main plant systems affected in equipment failure. A short description of the outage is also stored. The codification of the outages permits analysis to be carried out.

Type of Database:   Directory
Subject Keywords:   Energy, Nuclear, Power, Reactor
Status:   Operational
1st year of operation:   1981
Frequency of Update:   Annually
Availability:   IAEA Staff/IAEA Member States/UN Organizations

For further information, please contact :

Name:   Jiri Mandula
Section:   Nuclear Power Engineering
Division:   NENP
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