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Programa de Fomento de la Cultura Emprendedora - Principado de Asturias - España 

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From the very begginning, from the moment your idea is born.

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Aid for the Self-Employed and Social Economy Businesses

The Programme for the Promotion of Enterprise Culture 2009-2012 lays down economic and technical guidelines, for both start up activity and consolidation of self employed business.

These aids are for the benefit of individual business people, "Sociedades Limitadas" (Limited Companies) with less than five workers and social economy enterprises: Cooperatives and Worker owned companies.

Support for the Self Employed

Start up aid

Logo FSE
Cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo

A support programme for the unemployed, claimants on benefit who are going to start up a self-employed economic activity, or those who request the incentive in their first year of business. Measures include the self-employed Ticket (a grant), loan interest subsidy, and technical support for business management through aid to hire external services.


Advisory and On-Going Support Programme for the Self Employed

To provide information and consultancy to stimulate integration into the job market through self-employed work. Includes the support of collaborating bodies for consultancy work, funding feasibility studies, organization and marketing, as well as economic and audit reports.

Programme to Consolidate Self-Employed Workers

Programme to aid the consolidation of business initiatives promoted by the self-employed and start-up Limited Companies with fewer than five workers Includes aid to hire workers and technical advice to develop Consolidation Plans.

Entrepreneurs Training Programme

Includes training sessions to improve professional qualifications, of both unemployed persons wishing to register as self-employed, as well as those who are already working.

Programme to promote culture of prevention of occupational hazards

To introduce the culture of prevention to self-employment, to provide greater safety and occupational health, and improve working conditions. It includes awareness-raising and informative actions, training sessions, as well as expert advice.

Programme to support self-employed women and work-family balance for the self employed

Programme to promote a greater presence of woman in self-employment through aid for the recruitment of an unemployed person during maternity leave, and by supporting projects and studies to promote work-family balance.

Programme to promote business associations and acknowledgment of self-employed work

It supports workers and self-employed workers organisations, of cross-sector character and regional scope, to publicize self-employment among Asturian society.

Programme to Incorporate the Self-Employed into Information and Communication Technologies

Programme to incorporate the information and communication technologies into process management in self employed businesses.

It includes actions of dissemination, awareness-raising and digital literacy, personalised consultancy and modernization of associate networks.

Support for group self-employment through the Social Economy
Programme to promote employment in group self-employment sector

Aimed at cooperatives and worker-owned companies, who plan to incorporate unemployed workers into their structure as partner workers, as well as unemployed persons planning to set up a social economy business. It includes both financial support and aid to hire technical consultancy services.

Subventions to actions carried out by intermediary organizations to consolidate social economy businesses

To promote the consolidation of economic initiatives carried out by social economy enterprises, cooperatives and worker-owned companies who need to address diversification or growth projects, by giving support to intermediary organizations that provide consulting services.

Social Training Programme in Social Economy Enterprises

Aimed at workers in cooperatives and worker-owned businesses, as well as their associate organizations. It will include courses to initiate, improve, and train staff understanding of cooperatives, as well as support measures for continuous and specialist training in the social economy.

Programme to promote culture of prevention of occupational hazards in the Social economy

Aimed at workers in cooperatives and worker-owned enterprises, as well as associated entities. It will include awareness-raising and training actions as well as consultancy and technical assistance work


Programme to improve acknowledgement of the social economy

Programme to promote partnerships between social economy enterprises and improve society's acknowledgement of them. Promotion of the sector will be carried out by the Foundation for the Development of the Social Economy


For further information consult the Directorate General for Trade, Self-Employed workers and the Social Economy, in the Ministry of Industry and Employment

Teléfono 985 108 232 


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Aid for the Self-Employed and Social Economy Businesses

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The Programme for the Promotion of Enterprise Culture 2009-2012 lays down economic and technical [...]

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