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Now Playing: August 29 - September 4

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Adam Jensen really wants his mirror replaced

If you've spent a considerable amount of time with Deus Ex: Human Revolution, then you know protagonist Adam Jensen is in need of a new bathroom mirror. His landlord isn't really making much of an effort to replace it, though. This, as you can imagine, upsets Mr. Jensen just a tad.

Sony officially puts Resistance 3 back in PS3 3D Display bundle (if you pre-order)

All this time, we've thought Walmart, Amazon, and GameStop were stickin' it to the man by offering Resistance 3 as a pre-order bonus for Sony's 3D PlayStation Display, even after the bug-hunt simulator had been officially replaced by MotorStorm: Apocalypse. It seems we were wrong.

As it turns out, this was Sony's plan the whole time, for some completely inexplicable and incomprehensible reason. While still not officially part of the actual bundle, Resistance 3 will be included with any 3D PlayStation Display pre-ordered before September 30. MotorStorm: Apocalypse's inclusion is not dependent upon pre-ordering, however, so you've still got until the launch in November to decide if the features offered can justify $500.

God of War: Origins Collection demo hits PSN tomorrow for Plus members, next week for everyone

The life of a Spartan is hard, you know? Not only do you spend the majority of your time battling the will of the gods and/or Freddy Krueger, but you've also got to deal with Ready at Dawn rebuilding your entire body from scratch. Being completely reconstituted from the ground up is a serious drag on a wrathful deity's love life, but it looks like the reconstruction process is nearly finished, as the God of War: Origins Collection demo will soon make its way into your living room.

PlayStation Plus members itchin' for some PSP-remake action can get their hands dirty as early as tomorrow, while plebeian un-Plus members will have to quell their bloodlust until September 6. Full stereoscopic 3D will be included in the demo as well, so if you've got a 3D-capable display and an action-capable attitude, the only thing keeping you from olympian glory is yourself. Unless you're not a PlayStation Plus member; that will also keep you from olympian glory, for one week.

Max Payne 3 screens come with a promise of more news

Rockstar sent out two new screens of Max Payne 3 today, featuring a stylized broken window and a stealthy hallway encounter. Two screens doesn't seem like much, but this is a game we've scarcely seen or heard from, so even a couple of screens seem like a rare treat.

We'll likely be seeing this media with a higher frequency now. Rockstar calls Max Payne 3 "our next big release on both consoles and PC" and promises " a lot of news in the next few months."
[Thanks, Skodjereite]

First Adroit accessible controller, 'Switchblade,' revealed

You might know the name "Switchblade" as the tiny, currently concept-only laptop by Razer. However, it's also the first in Evil Controllers and AbleGamers' "Adroit" line of controllers designed for easy accessibility for players with disabilities.

The Switchblade is basically a big black box, with 19 ports to which sticks, buttons, rumble packs, and other attachments can be placed in any configuration. It comes with two joysticks, but as Thrifty Nerd reports, it's possible to make a directional pad out of four buttons as well, if that works better for the owner's needs. You can also program macros for each individual port.

The Switchblade is built for Xbox 360, but adapters will be available for use on PC and PS3. There's no date yet, and no official price, but Thrifty Nerd reports that it'll be "a few hundred dollars." It's pricey, but not compared to the cost of having your own customized controller built.

Trine 2 preview: Brains and beauty

The first things you're going to notice are the visuals. Don't feel bad, happens to everybody.

But while you're ogling Trine 2's look, you may just miss that its most significant improvements are in how it's playing with your mind.

Gallery: Trine 2 (E3)

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You -- yes you -- can select the cover athlete for UFC Undisputed 3

Don't think we can't see you out there, you UFC ultra-fan you. You're the guy with posters of Flint Ironstag and Bolt Vanderhuge all over your home gym. You're the guy with the octagon-shaped bed, the chain-link wallpaper and one of those old-timey uvula punching bags mounted in your shower. You breathe this stuff, and THQ knows it. That's why they've entrusted you specifically with the solemn duty of determining which fighter will grace the cover of UFC Undisputed 3.

You've got between now and September 30 to vote for one of five fighters, so start blasting your core and jammin' on your quads now; that clickin' finger needs to be in peak physical condition. Once you've cast your ballot, you'll have the chance to win passes to a live UFC event, as if you didn't have season tickets already. Remember to always stretch properly before using the internet, and never vote on cover art without a spotter.

Gearbox gifts Borderlands 2 to its PAX panel attendees, you want ours?

In an undeniably generous gesture, Gearbox gave a voucher good for a free copy of Borderlands 2 to all of the more than a thousand attendees of its PAX Prime 2011 panel. Yes, you read that right. Free. For everybody.

If you weren't among the lucky hanging out in the Pegasus room, we're continuing the Oprah spirit by passing on our code to you. Yep, that's ours up there. Go ahead. Take it. Oh, and let us know in the comments that you got it. (Update: Looks like it's been used!)

Jagex CEO says Runescape will be cross-console, free-to-play (or else)

Developer Jagex is positioned to ship Runescape across all consoles, free-to-play and with complete cross-platform capabilities, if CEO Mark Gerhard has anything to say about it. Which, as CEO, he does. Gerhard told Develop that some console owners wanted to charge for Runescape, which he sees as absolute lunacy. "People get this for free. You're shooting yourself in the foot," Gerhard said. "But Sony was ahead of the game; they said they get it. They understand free. But all three said, 'okay, but we won't let our console play online with any other.'"

Gerhard is waiting for the console market to realize cross-play is a universally beneficial strategy, at least with Runescape, as it doesn't have any graphical aspects that favor one console over another. "I think they [Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo] will open up their platforms a bit more, liberate them a bit more. It's just a matter of time," he said. "But we're well placed to be on all devices soon so we can have a global community."

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