Collaboration in Knols

Helping you decide what collaboration level to choose

As an author, you can change the way readers can collaborate with you on your knols by choosing between three different collaboration models.

Open Collaboration

This setting will allow anyone with a Knol account to modify your knol and these modifications will be immediately public. Choose this setting if you are willing to have your work modified by anyone, at any time.

Moderated Collaboration

This setting will allow anyone with a Knol account to suggest modifications and corrections to your knol, but these modifications will not be visible publicly until you or another author have reviewed and accepted them. At that point the person who edited your knol will appear in the contributors list, and their modifications will become part of your knol. Choose this setting if you would like to accept suggestions from your readership, but you would like to review them before they are incorporated into your knol.

Closed Collaboration

This setting will only allow co-authors to modify your knol and these modifications will be immediately public. Choose this setting if you only want the group of co-authors you selected to be able to modify your knol.

Searching by Collaboration Mode

You can search for knols by their collaboration mode, using the Search Toolkit.

FAQs on Collaboration Modes

Q: Can I use open or moderated collaboration on my bio page?
A: No. Author bio pages contain profiles which come from Google Profiles , which is a separate application from Knol, and does not support collaboration modes. You can use Google Profiles to share information about yourself, across all Google websites.

Q: If someone's knol is in moderated collaboration mode, can I edit it multiple times?
A: Yes. The way that it works is that when you save a change to someone else's moderation collaboration knol, you have saved a draft version. You do not immediately affect the visible knol. If you press Edit again, you go back into a mode where you are editing your last draft.

The changes you made to a moderated collaboration knol become visible to the knol's authors as "suggestions". The author may step through the suggestions received and choose to accept or decli ne each suggestion. Once the suggestions have been processed by the owner, your "draft" version will disappear.

Q: Once someone edits my knol, they show up in a Contributors List. What if I don't want that?
A: Yes, you can remove individual contributors using the Remove from list link below the contributor's name, or you can remove the list entirely, as described here.



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Last edited Sep 16, 2011 7:38 AM
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Last edited Sep 7, 2011 7:48 AM
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