8 articles on Med-Tech

  • Pentagon's New Factory: Your DNA
    Darpa is sick and tired of waiting around for Mother Nature. Instead, it wants to take the life-making business into its own hands -- and manufacture new biological forms in a factory of mix-and-match bio-bits. A recent call for research by the Pentagon's mad science agency proposes a new program called "Living Foundries." The idea is ...
  • Synthetic Biologists Use DNA to Calculate Square Roots
    By John Timmer, Ars Technica Biological systems have caught the attention of computer scientists, who have been turning everything from RNA molecules to entire bacterial colonies into logic gates. So far, however, these systems have been relatively small-scale, with only a handful of gates linked up in a series. Today's issue of ...
  • April 25, 1953: Riddle of DNA's Architecture Finally Solved
    1953: James Watson and Francis Crick present their research in Nature, describing the architecture of the double helix, which forms the molecular structure of DNA. Although by then scientists understood that deoxyribonucleic acid was most likely the molecule of life, absolute certainty eluded them, because key components were still missing. Chiefly, they didn¿t really know what ...
  • Giant Skull Is Made of Thin Slices of Brain
    An artist named Noah Scalin has built a giant skull made out of slices of brain encased in acrylic. What do you mean, "Why?" Scalin shot to fame a few years back when he created a blog that chronicled his creation of a skull every single day of a year. Since then he's kept up his ...


