Financial Times


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Robert Shrimsley

Robert Shrimsley is the Managing Editor of Before this he has served as the FT’s chief political correspondent and news editor.

He writes weekly for the Notebook column, a satirical look at the week’s news and for the FT weekend Magazine. - -

Searching for God in Geneva

Billions have been spent in what police describe as ‘the largest particle hunt’ in history, writes Robert Shrimsley

A fabulous Olympic festival of Britain

The news that David Cameron has agreed to double the budget for the opening and closing ceremonies can only come as a relief, says Robert Shrimsley

Outer space? Kinda been there, Dad …

The ascendancy on unmanned probes and the lack of a human narrative or drama has removed the thrill of space exploration, writes Robert Shrimsley

The epic euro crisis disaster movie

Robert Shrimsley listens in on the Mayday calls from a sinking ship in the latest not-so-far-fetched bloc-buster movie

Expecting a gift today? Hard luck

Buy Nothing Day looks like a good way to save a bob or two, but it requires planning and sacrifice, and plenty of workarounds, writes Robert Shrimsley

A new Faustian pact for celebrities

Robert Shrimsley rummages through the devil’s dustbin and finds incrimnating copies of deals with a new post-hacking kind of celeb

Now son, just one more test to go...

Robert Shrimsley is taking a break from the madness this year, having sent his first child over the top a year ago

The Olympian task of securing London

Some of us are frankly suspicious at Britain’s decision to double the number of security guards to cover the games – is there a hidden agenda, asks Robert Shrimsley

Choosing my words carefully

Robert Shrimsley was a contender for a rare Scrabble victory but loses graciously and endures once more the taunts of his children

Europe: rise of the calculating machine

Apparently, the answer to the huge problems of the eurozone is the replacement of elected premiers with economic experts, says Robert Shrimsley

I hate to sound paranoid, but …

Cameron turning into a ladies’ man

Dictator deaths: a (bad) taste sensation

Join the struggle for a decent occupation

Survival of the fattest

Where were you for the great BlackBerry Crumble?

Not economical with the Werritté

Football’s biggest scandal is yet to break

European leaders adamant for drift

The Democratic Republic of Facebook