Thank You, David Risher

David, from the store launches you oversaw to your focus on customer experience, you've been a big part of what we've built. You've epitomized what being at is all about: working hard, having fun, making history. Your contributions will live forever in the form of an ever-evolving The well-earned stories you will have to tell your grandchildren will only get better as we continue to build on the foundation you helped pour.

On behalf of myself and everyone here at, you have our sincere and strong thanks,

Jeff Bezos
February 2002

PS: In tribute to David, this Easter egg will reside on the Web site in perpetuity. Also, since every page must sell (and since I'm sure David would want it no other way), here's an opportunity to buy something! :)

David's All-Time Favorites

It's a Wonderful Life
The Wizard of Oz
L.A. Confidential
The Usual Suspects
Meet the Parents
The Matrix

The Golden Gate by Vikram Seth
Time's Arrow by Martin Amis
Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
Amsterdam by Ian McEwan
Good to Great by Jim Collins
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Blindness by Jose Saramago
Dr. Neruda's Cure for Evil by Rafael Yglesias

The Immaculate Collection ~ Madonna
Marshall Crenshaw ~ Marshall Crenshaw
Revolver ~ The Beatles
Hits ~ Joni Mitchell
In My Tribe ~ 10,000 Maniacs
Gold ~ ABBA
Billie, Ella, Lena, Sarah

Coffeemaker: Capresso CoffeeTEC
Portable MP3 player: Creative Labs Nomad II
Digital Camera: Olympus D-490