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Fulfilled by Amazon

Items "Fulfilled by Amazon" are shipped from an Amazon fulfillment center to you. All of our standard shipping rates and policies apply to these items when shipped within the U.S., including FREE Super Saver Shipping on qualifying orders over $25 and Prime shipping. International shipping may not be available for all items.

"Fulfilled by Amazon" items are sent to you via one of our carriers (US Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, and so on.) at whatever delivery speed you choose (standard shipping, 2-day shipping, and so on).

After you place an order, the carrier, ship date, and estimated delivery date for your package will be listed in Your Account and can be found in your shipment confirmation e-mail. If you have a tracking or delivery confirmation number, you can track your package by clicking the "Track packages" link in Your Account.

Amazon also handles all customer service and product returns for "Fulfilled by Amazon" items. If you need assistance with anything, please visit our Help pages by clicking the word "Help" in the top right corner of any page of our website.