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Neither .asoundrc or /etc/asound.conf is normally required. You should be able to play and record sound without either (assuming your mic and speakers are hooked up properly). If your system won't work without one, and you are running the most current version of ALSA, you probably should file a bug report.

What is a .asoundrc file? Why might I want one?

The .asoundrc file (in your home directory) and /etc/asound.conf (for system-wide settings) are the configuration files for ALSA drivers. Neither file is required for ALSA to work properly. Most applications will work without them. The main use of these two configuration files is to add functionality such as routing and sample-rate conversion. It allows you to create "virtual devices" that pre or post-process audio streams. Any properly written ALSA program can use these virtual devices as though they were normal devices.

Before ALSA 1.0.9 you often needed one to make things work at all, and before ALSA 1.0.11 you generally needed one if you wanted to have more than one ALSA application output sound at the same time via the DmixPlugin, but current ALSA versions shouldn't need one.

There are several uses for a .asoundrc. One is to create a personalized configuration for a soundcard. This is useful if you have a 32-channel soundcard and want to reserve 5 channels permanently for recording the drums. For example, you could create a new PCM called "drumrec" that is always mapped to the same five inputs. The .asoundrc file is quite complicated. You may find it simpler to use the dmix plugin. Also see the page Dmix Plugin.

Lastly similar .asoundrc files are used internally by ALSA to "map" standard things, for example, to connect "default" to "plughw:0" (this too could be overridden). The configuration is in the file /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf

If you're happy with how your card is working, there's no need to use an .asoundrc. There is also not much use in taking an .asoundrc for a 10-channel soundcard and hoping to get more out of a 2-channel (stereo) soundcard. But if you want or have to customize the behaviour of a soundcard to be different from the standard setting, an .asoundrc is essential.

In the discussion that follows, remember that anything mentioned for the .asoundrc file applies equally to /etc/asound.conf except in the latter case the virtual devices you define can be used by all users on a system.

A brief example.

Put the following in a file in your home directory in a file named .asoundrc:

pcm.card0 {
    type hw
    card 0
ctl.card0 {
    type hw
    card 0

You should replace the name of the card (card0) with something useful, e.g. the one you are using in your /etc/modules.conf file (e.g. cmipci).

This example creates a virtual device named card0 (or whatever you replaced that with) that just connects directly to your hardware's PCM output channels. It also creates a control device with the same name. Neither of these virtual devices actually does anything interesting -- they just act as aliases for the hardware devices.

Where does .asoundrc live?

The .asoundrc file is typically installed in a user's home directory ($HOME/.asoundrc) and is called from /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf. It is also possible to install a system-wide configuration file as /etc/asound.conf. When an ALSA application starts both configuration files are read but the settings in the .asoundrc file override the settings in the /etc/asound.conf settings.

Changing things

Most programs require a restart to reread .asoundrc or asound.conf! This includes desktop environment audio daemons, such as PulseAudio. For most changes to .asoundrc you will need to restart the sound server (ie. sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart) for the changes to take effect.

Default PCM device

Using aplay -L you can get a List of existing PCM output devices. If you want the default to be, for example, a USB Device instead of the onboard sound, you can place a pcm.!default line in the .asoundrc Say aplay -L lists something like

   SB Live! 24-bit External, USB Audio
   Front speakers

you can put the following line in your .asoundrc

pcm.!default front:External

As a result, most if not all applications will now use this device for output unless specified otherwise. The same applies for self-defined devices, as shown below.

The naming of PCM devices

A typical asoundrc starts with a "PCM hw type". This gives an ALSA application the ability to start using a special soundcard (plugin or slave) by a given name.

Without this, the soundcard(s) must be accessed with names like "hw:0,0" or "default". For example:

ecasound -i test.wav -o alsa,hw:0,0

or with aplay

aplay -D hw:0,0 test.wav

The numbers after hw: stand for the sound card number and the device number. A third number can be added (hw:0,0,0) for the sub-device number, but it defaults to the next sub-device avaliable. The numbers start from zero, so, for example, to access the first device on the second sound card, you would use hw:1,0.

The keyword "default" will access the default subdevice on the default soundcard, which will probably be hw:0,0 for a typical single Sound Blaster sound card. Now with the "PCM hw type" you are able to define aliases for your devices. The syntax for this definition is:

pcm.NAME {
    type hw # Kernel PCM
    card INT/STR # Card name or number
    [device] INT # Device number (default 0)
    [subdevice] INT # Subdevice number, -1 first available (default -1)
    mmap_emulation BOOL # enable mmap emulation for ro/wo devices

Here is another example which gives the first soundcard an alias:

pcm.ens1371 {
    type hw
    card 0
    device 0

Now you can access this card by the alias "ens1371".

aplay -D ens1371 test.wav

This definition is helpful if you want to apply any further plugins or slaves in .asoundrc.


What are plugins? A plugin (or plug-in) is a computer program that can, or must, interact with another program to provide a certain, usually very specific, function. Typical examples are plugins to display specific graphic formats (e.g., SVG if the browser doesn't support this format natively), to play multimedia files, to encrypt/decrypt email (e.g., PGP), or to filter images in graphic programs. The main program (a web browser or an email client, for example) provides a way for plugins to register themselves with the program, and a protocol by which data is exchanged with plugins. See http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/alsa-lib/pcm_plugins.html for the list of all plugins.

Now define a slave for this plugin. A very simple slave could be defined as follows:

What is a slave in the first place? What does it do, what does it mean, what for do I need it? Can please' add some more light on this? The slave is the device that is controlled by the plugin, and recieves the plugin audio output in the case of playback, or provides input for recording.

pcm_slave.sltest {
    pcm ens1371

This defines a slave without any parameters. It's nothing more than another alias for your sound device. The slightly more complicated thing to understand is that parameters for 'pcm types' must be defined in the slave-definition-block. Let's setup a rate-converter which shows this behaviour.

pcm_slave.sl2 {
    pcm ens1371
    rate 44100

pcm.rate_convert {
    type rate
    slave sl2

Now you can use this newly created (virtual) device by:

aplay -D rate_convert test.wav

This automatically converts your samples to a 44.1kHz sample rate while playing. It's not very useful because most players, and ALSA, convert samples to the correct sample-rate that is supported by your sound card but you can use it for a conversion to a lower static sample-rate, for example. A more complex tool for sample conversions is the PCM type "plug". The syntax is:

type plug # Format adjusted PCM
slave STR # Slave name (see pcm_slave)
# or
slave { # Slave definition
    pcm STR # Slave PCM name
# or
    pcm { } # Slave PCM definition
    [format STR] # Slave format (default nearest) or "unchanged"
    [channels INT] # Slave channels (default nearest) or "unchanged"
    [rate INT] # Slave rate (default nearest) or "unchanged"
route_policy STR # route policy for automatic ttable generation
# STR can be 'default', 'average', 'copy', 'duplicate'
# average: result is average of input channels
# copy: only first channels are copied to destination
# duplicate: duplicate first set of channels
# default: copy policy, except for mono capture - sum
ttable {
    # Transfer table (bidimensional compound of
    # cchannels * schannels numbers)
        SCHANNEL REAL # route value (0, 1)

We can use it as follows:

pcm_slave.sl3 {
    pcm ens1371
    format S16_LE
    channels 1
    rate 16000
pcm.complex_convert {
    type plug
    slave sl3

By calling it with:

aplay -vD complex_convert test.wav

you can convert the samples during playing to the sample format: S16_LE, one channel and a sample-rate of 16 kHz. If you use aplay with the verbose option -v you will see the settings from the original file. For example,

aplay -v test.wav

will show the original settings of the sound file test.wav. If you add the definition "route_policy average" to the plug definition, you will make your output channel be the (arithmetic) average of your input channels.

Splitting front and rear outputs

I had a lot of trouble first figuring out how I could split front and rear channels into two devices that could be used independently. The following .asoundrc file is what I came up with. It can be used with 'mplayer', for example, as follows:

mplayer -ao alsa1x:frontx file1.avi
mplayer -ao alsa1x:rearx file2.mp3


pcm.dshare {
    type dmix
    ipc_key 2048
    slave {
        pcm "hw:0"
        rate 44100
        period_time 0
        period_size 1024
        buffer_size 8192
        channels 4
    bindings {
        0 0
        1 1
        2 2
        3 3
pcm.frontx {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "dshare"
        channels 4
    ttable.0.0 1
    ttable.1.1 1
pcm.rearx {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "dshare"
        channels 4
    ttable.0.2 1
    ttable.1.3 1

Note, for ttable you might use fractions but then you cannot use LC_NUMERIC locales that use characters other than '.' as decimal separator. Actually this is a bug and has already been fixed in versions higher than 1.0.8.

Joining devices to make multichannel

If your card has a number of stereo sub-devices that operate synchronously, you can join them into one virtual multichannel device.

See the documentation for the multi plugin at http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/alsa-lib/pcm_plugins.html

The following joins two adjacent sub-devices into a 4 channel device. There are 3 optional parameters [card,device, first_subdevice]. It is basically a nested set of plugins: {route {multi {hw0 hw1}}

Eg. ttable4:1,0,2 will join sub-devices 2 and 3 of device 0 of card 1. You can use this device with JACK.

pcm.ttable4 {
	@args [ CARD DEV SUBDEV ]
	@args.CARD {
		type string
		default {
			@func getenv
			vars [
			default {
				@func refer
				name defaults.pcm.card
	@args.DEV {
		type integer
		default {
			@func igetenv
			vars [
			default {
				@func refer
				name defaults.pcm.device
	@args.SUBDEV {
		type integer
		default 0
	type route;
	hint {
		show {
			@func refer
			name defaults.namehint.basic
		description "4 channel multi route"
	slave.pcm {
		type multi;
		slaves.a.pcm {
			type hw
			card $CARD
			device $DEV
			subdevice $SUBDEV
		slaves.a.channels 2;
		slaves.b.pcm {
			type hw
			card $CARD
			device $DEV
			subdevice { @func iadd integers [ $SUBDEV 1 ] }
		slaves.b.channels 2;
		bindings.0.slave a;
		bindings.0.channel 0;
		bindings.1.slave a;
		bindings.1.channel 1;
		bindings.2.slave b;
		bindings.2.channel 0;
		bindings.3.slave b;
		bindings.3.channel 1;
	ttable.0.0 1;
	ttable.1.1 1;
	ttable.2.2 1;
	ttable.3.3 1;
# sometimes apps need matching ctl device
ctl.ttable4 {
	@args [ CARD DEV SUBDEV ]
	@args.CARD {
		type string
		default {
			@func getenv
			vars [
			default {
				@func refer
				name defaults.pcm.card
	@args.DEV {
		type integer
		default {
			@func igetenv
			vars [
			default {
				@func refer
				name defaults.pcm.device
	@args.SUBDEV {
		type integer
		default 0
	type hw;
	card $CARD;

Converting Sample Rates On Input

pcm.rate_convert {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "hw:0,0"
        rate 48000

This will take an input of any rate and convert it to 48000 hz, change to suit your needs.

Dupe output to multiple cards

In this example an intel8x0 (ICH6 @ hw:0) and an Aureon 5.1 USB card (Audio @ hw:1) are used. The default device is a stereo device, the audio stream is duped to both cards. Front left/right is copied to rear left/right, respectively, and center and sub-woofer are mixed 50%/50% from front left/right. Dmix is enabled on both cards.

pcm.!default plug:both

ctl.!default {
  type hw
  card ICH6

pcm.both {
  type route;
  slave.pcm {
      type multi;
      slaves.a.pcm "intel8x0";
      slaves.b.pcm "aureon";
      slaves.a.channels 2;
      slaves.b.channels 6;
      bindings.0.slave a;
      bindings.0.channel 0;
      bindings.1.slave a;
      bindings.1.channel 1;

      bindings.2.slave b;
      bindings.2.channel 0;
      bindings.3.slave b;
      bindings.3.channel 1;
      bindings.4.slave b;
      bindings.4.channel 2;
      bindings.5.slave b;
      bindings.5.channel 3;
      bindings.6.slave b;
      bindings.6.channel 4;
      bindings.7.slave b;
      bindings.7.channel 5;

  ttable.0.0 1;
  ttable.1.1 1;

  ttable.0.2 1; # front left
  ttable.1.3 1; # front right
  ttable.0.4 1; # copy front left to rear left
  ttable.1.5 1; # copy front left to rear left
  # mix front left/right to subwoofer and center
  ttable.0.6 0.5;
  ttable.1.6 0.5;
  ttable.0.7 0.5;
  ttable.1.7 0.5;

ctl.both {
  type hw;
  card ICH6;

pcm.aureon {
   type dmix
   ipc_key 1024
   slave {
       pcm "hw:1"
       period_time 0
       period_size 2048
#        buffer_size 8192
       buffer_size 65536
       buffer_time 0
       periods 128
       rate 48000
       channels 6
# the channels of this card are mixed-up
    bindings {
       0 0
       1 1
       2 4
       3 5
       4 2
       5 3

pcm.intel8x0 {
   type dmix
   ipc_key 2048
   slave {
       pcm "hw:0"
       period_time 0
       period_size 2048
#        buffer_size 8192
       buffer_size 65536
       buffer_time 0
       periods 128
       rate 48000
       channels 2
    bindings {
       0 0
       1 1

ctl.aureon {
   type hw
   card "Audio"

ctl.intel8x0 {
   type hw
   card "ICH6"

Simple script to create an .asoundrc file

% cat /usr/bin/asoundrc
# asoundrc v0.1.0 20090101 markc@renta.net GPLv3
# asoundrc v0.2.0 20090320 quatro_por_quatro@yahoo.es GPLv3
# A simple script to create a particular default audio device regardless
# of what cards are loaded or in what order. It could be used anytime or
# placed in a ~/.bashrc script for a persistent setup every login.
# Usage: asoundrc [DEFAULT_CARD] > ~/.asoundrc

# use the first parameter as the card name, or else
# look for the sound card, discarding those that are only microphones
# when there are multiple cards, use the first one
if default_card="${1:-$(cat "$(for f in $(ls -1 /proc/asound/card[0-9]*/{midi,codec}* 2>/dev/null); do echo "${f%/*}"; done \
| sed -e '\|^[\[:blank:]\]$|d' -e 'q')/id" 2>/dev/null)}"; then
   echo "Using sound card: ${default_card}" >&2 
   cat /proc/asound/card[0-9]*/id | \
   gawk --assign default_card="${default_card}" \
'{print "pcm."$1" { type hw; card "$1"; }\nctl."$1" { type hw; card "$1"; }" }
END {print "pcm.!default pcm."default_card"\nctl.!default ctl."default_card}'
   echo "Warning: No sound cards found." >&2

Other documentation of the .asoundrc file

For a detailed description of the syntax of the .asoundrc file, see below and also check out the asoundrc.txt file in the alsa-lib package. Joern Nettingsmeier posted an .asoundrc to the linux-audio-users mailing list to use two cards as one. If you are interested in a more advanced .asoundrc example have a look at the RME Hammerfall .asoundrc file created by Jeremy Hall, or squisher's asoundrc (with one card as two, skype upmixing, ekiga hacks and wine testing).

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