DCU Ryan Academy

About the Ryan Academy for Entrepreneurship

DCU Ryan Academy is a non-profit, joint venture between Dublin City University and the family of the late Tony Ryan (Ryanair).

Our Aim is to be the leading supporter of entrepreneurship and innovation in Ireland.

Our Vision is for an Ireland where entrepreneurship and innovation are viewed as key drivers of successful business and the Ryan Academy as a leading catalyst in helping to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

Our Mission is to promote an entrepreneurial mindset and real innovation focus among existing Irish businesses and start-ups through training, supports and finance.

DCU Ryan Academy unites the best of academia and entrepreneurial practice through its unique partnership between Ireland's leading young university, DCU and the family of one of our greatest entrepreneurs, Tony Ryan.



Training: - includes our Business innovation Programme for unemployed professionals, - the Entrepreneur Skillnet training for small to medium size enterprises, - Entrepreneurship training for university researchers and a development programme for Credit Union Directors and Supervisors;

Supports: - under this heading, we offer a range of mentoring and coaching supports and we also seek to take leadership positions in areas such as youth entrepreneurship and social enterprise;

Financial: - our key programme here is our Propeller Accelerator Fund for startup companies, primarily focused on the information and communications technology sectors.

DCU Ryan Academy
T: 01-7006786