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Over 50 million affected in Muslim world in 2011

DUBAI, 2 April 2012 (IRIN) - The Muslim world is increasingly in the “eye of the cyclone”, with disasters and crises affecting tens of millions of people in Muslim countries last year, a senior official with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) told a humanitarian conference in Dubai. full report

MIDDLE EAST: Call for educational reform to create "knowledge society"

DUBAI, 15 March 2012 (IRIN) - If the Arab Spring is to have any lasting impact, education must top the priority list of post-revolutionary reforms in the Arab world, experts said yesterday at the launch of the 2010-2011 Arab Knowledge Report in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). full report

LIBYA: What the analysts are saying

DUBAI, 29 February 2012 (IRIN) - One year after a popular uprising toppled its former dictator, Libya’s new transitional government has failed to provide coherent state leadership and control, analysts say. full report

Analysis: The Middle East's "invisible refugees"

DUBAI, 31 January 2012 (IRIN) - Among the migrants who found themselves caught up in Libya during last year's war was a group of people whom one University of Oxford researcher calls "invisible": refugees who travel to third countries for work or better education. full report

Analysis: 2012 – “The Year of Crisis” in the Middle East

DUBAI, 12 January 2012 (IRIN) - If you thought 2011 was a historic year for the Middle East, 2012 is likely to be even more unpredictable. full report

MIDDLE EAST: The year that was

DUBAI, 4 January 2012 (IRIN) - When hundreds of thousands of people across the Arab world poured into the streets in 2011 to demand freedom from dictatorship, they set in motion a series of events which not only created humanitarian needs in countries that were otherwise relatively stable, but also exacerbated existing humanitarian and developmental challenges. full report

TECHNOLOGY: IRIN's pick of the year 2011

NAIROBI, 29 December 2011 (IRIN) - Computers and mobile phones are already essential to humanitarian planning, and 2011 saw the growth of technology-based humanitarian interventions, from the use of GPS (global positioning systems) to provide early weather warnings to real-time health reporting. full report

Analysis: Libya’s long road to disarmament

MISRATA/TRIPOLI/DUBAI, 29 December 2011 (IRIN) - Mistrust of Libya’s interim administration is likely to deter tens of thousands of revolutionary fighters from complying with a massive new demobilization plan, according to analysts and former rebels. full report

LIBYA: Rocky road ahead for Libya’s Tawergha minority

TRIPOLI, 13 December 2011 (IRIN) - A major challenge facing Libya as it emerges from a nine-month civil war will be reconciling and integrating thousands of Tawergha accused of killing and raping residents of Misrata on behalf of deposed leader Muammar Gaddafi. full report

LIBYA: The funding dilemma

TRIPOLI, 5 December 2011 (IRIN) - Residual humanitarian needs in Libya have not been fully funded because of confusion over whether unfrozen Libyan assets are available, donors, aid workers and government officials said. full report

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