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Understanding Rio+20

JOHANNESBURG, 3 April 2012 (IRIN Global) - A Nobel laureate, a Swedish environmentalist’s idea, the “doughnut” concept, Scandinavia’s sense of social capital, measuring the quality of life, and valuing the oceans are just some of the things trending in the run-up to the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development due to be held on 20-22 June 2012. full report

DRC: Kinshasa fashion highlights lack of ARVs

KINSHASA, 3 April 2012 (PlusNews Global) - Twelve HIV-positive women held a fashion show in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on 30 March to highlight the plight of tens of thousands of people with HIV/AIDS, and challenge donors and the authorities to provide adequate treatment. full report

MALI: Looting halts aid work in chaotic north

BAMAKO/DAKAR, 3 April 2012 (IRIN Africa) - Malians in the northern towns of Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu are hiding in their homes in fear following the weekend takeover by rebel groups, during which hospitals, health clinics, government buildings, and most NGO and UN offices and warehouses were looted, and in some cases destroyed, leaving the bulk of humanitarian operations suspended. full report

NEPAL: HIV-positive children, orphans neglected

RAKAM, 3 April 2012 (PlusNews Global) - In the village of Rakam in Dailekh District, about 700km northwest of the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu, 12-year-old Ravi* is living with HIV and has no idea if he will finish his education. full report

SUDAN-SOUTH SUDAN: Time running out for “forgotten” refugees

JAMAM, 3 April 2012 (IRIN Africa) - Under the sweltering sun, women at Jamam refugee camp, in South Sudan's Upper Nile State, dig through the clay of a dried up waterhole in their search for water. full report

SUDAN-SOUTH SUDAN: Akec Tut, “We are depending on the leaves of the trees”

NYINTAR, 4 April 2012 (IRIN Africa) - Akec Tut is among 110,000 civilians who fled Abyei when the contested region on the border between Sudan and South Sudan was occupied by Khartoum’s troops in May 2011. full report
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