East African Food Crisis

Late rains threaten food security

ADDIS ABABA, 30 March 2012 (IRIN Africa) - Late and erratic mid-February to May (`Belg') rains could significantly reduce crop yields in central and southern Ethiopia and adversely affect food security, warn officials. full report

HORN OF AFRICA: Drought warning prompts call for early action

KIGALI, 29 February 2012 (IRIN Africa) - Drought is likely to return to Somalia and other parts of the Horn of Africa over the next three months, say regional climate scientists meeting in the Rwandan capital, Kigali. The forecast comes just weeks after the UN declared the Somali “famine” over. full report

HORN: Poor rains again this season?*

JOHANNESBURG, 10 February 2012 (IRIN Africa) - The climatic conditions linked to the drought in the Horn in 2011 have persisted, and some early warning officials say the aid community should brace themselves for a possible re-run of last year's food crisis. full report

SLIDESHOW: Living on the edge in Kenya's Turkana region

NAIROBI, 27 January 2012 (IRIN Africa) - The 850,000 residents of northwestern Kenya's vast and parched Turkana region face some of the most inhospitable living conditions on Earth. full report

SOMALIA: ICRC suspends aid deliveries

NAIROBI, 12 January 2012 (IRIN Africa) - One of the few aid agencies excluded from a ban imposed by Al-Shabaab insurgents in Somalia has suspended food and seed distributions to 1.1m people in the south and centre of the country after local authorities repeatedly blocked its deliveries. full report

KENYA-SOMALIA: Dadaab leaders flee after killings, threats*

DADAAB, 9 January 2012 (IRIN Africa) - Several community leaders among the 463,000 residents of the world’s largest refugee complex have left the facility in eastern Kenya, fearing for their safety after the killing of two of their colleagues. full report

HORN & EASTERN AFRICA: Drought highlights in 2011

NAIROBI, 30 December 2011 (IRIN Africa) - Severe drought, exacerbated by poverty and conflict, hit at least four countries in 2011 - Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia - displacing hundreds of thousands of people. full report

TECHNOLOGY: IRIN's pick of the year 2011

NAIROBI, 29 December 2011 (IRIN Global) - Computers and mobile phones are already essential to humanitarian planning, and 2011 saw the growth of technology-based humanitarian interventions, from the use of GPS (global positioning systems) to provide early weather warnings to real-time health reporting. full report

SOMALIA: US bank move highlights importance of remittances

NAIROBI, 27 December 2011 (IRIN Africa) - The welfare of hundreds of thousands of Somalis who depend on financial assistance from the diaspora is at risk following a decision by a US bank to close down accounts of Somali money transfer companies in the state of Minnesota by 30 December, according to local and international sources. full report

FOOD: WTO "must address" food security

JOHANNESBURG, 23 December 2011 (IRIN Global) - An exchange between two leading world officials on how trade affects food insecurity in countries has helped focus attention on the stalled Doha trade talks. full report

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