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Health and Wellness

At Pfizer, we believe it is very important for people to take a proactive approach to managing their health. That’s why we’re developing resources to help people understand their illnesses — and the risks and benefits of the medicines available to treat them. And, it’s why we’ve been working for more than 20 years to increase access to our medicines through our patient assistance programs — so more people can access the medicines they need to take control of their health.

Medicine Safety Education

Learn more about the risks and benefits of medicines-and gain a better understanding of the factors that can affect risk perception. Our interactive web hosts will guide you through a wealth of important information on medicine safety.

Patient Resources

Access our network of Web sites for patients and caregivers for information, interactive health quizzes, downloadable tools, and tips on a variety of health topics - including Hemophilia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Vaccines, and Women's Health.

Financial Assistance Programs

At Pfizer, we believe that everyone should have access to the medicines they need. That's why - for more than 20 years - we've been making our medicines available to those in need through our patient assistance programs.

Learn more about our efforts, including Pfizer Helpful Answers® - a family of programs to help American without prescription coverage save on many Pfizer medicines, no matter their age or income. People with limited incomes may even qualify to get free prescription medicine.

Senior Health

Learn how to take a more proactive approach to managing your health with valuable information on important issues, including:

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Pfizer Investments in Health

Learn more about Pfizer Investments in Health. Watch our video.

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Uninsured? Need help paying your medicine?

Pfizer has programs that may help, no matter your age or income. You may even qualify for free Pfizer medicines. Visit Pfizer Helpful Answers® to find patient assistance programs that may best meet your needs.