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Pfizer Animal Health

This product information is intended only for residents of the United States.

Pfizer Animal Health, a business unit of Pfizer, is dedicated to transforming the care of animals for a healthier world.

Pfizer Animal Health strives to provide full animal health solutions to veterinarians, livestock producers, and companion animal owners. We work to assure a safe, sustainable worldwide food supply from healthy beef and dairy cattle, swine, poultry and fish and to help dogs, cats and horses live healthier longer lives.

Pfizer Animal Health is a world leader in the discovery, development and manufacture of innovative animal vaccines, medicines and veterinary diagnostic products. We invest more in research and development than any other animal health company and have an extensive research and development network with major research centers on four continents.

Pfizer Animal Health professionals match our world-class product portfolio with a broad array of animal health services and solutions such as Pfizer Business Consulting™; Individual Pig Care™ It's the Right Thing to Do and Farmacias PRO™. We aspire to be the trusted partner of choice for veterinarians around the world - that trust earned by consistently anticipating and meeting needs with reliability and integrity.

With world headquarters in Madison, New Jersey, Pfizer Animal Health has operations in more than 60 countries distinguished by strong market positions across four geographic regions including United States, Europe, Africa & Middle East, Canada & Latin America, and Asia-Pacific.

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Pfizer Animal Health Fact Sheet

To learn more about Pfizer Animal Health's organization, key business areas, products and services, please refer to the PAH Fact Sheet.