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Building the World's Premier Biopharmaceutical R&D Organization

We continue to build the world's premier biopharmaceutical R&D organization. Our aspirations are to deliver unparalleled innovation, the best internal and external science, and industry leading productivity within a vibrant, diverse culture.

Pfizer now has broader and deeper disease area knowledge in our Research Units, increased modality and technology capabilities in our Biotechnology Units, and an approach that harnesses our strengths to find the newest, most innovative and valuable medical solutions.

We have the scale, portfolio, talent and capabilities that we believe will unlock new levels of productivity. Drug discovery requires both disease area and technology expertise. While most in the industry are constrained to primarily focus on one of those dimensions, our new model has the breadth and depth of Research Units and Biotechnology Units across R&D that frees us to realize the power and possibilities of these combinations to deliver high impact medicines for patients.

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Conducting Research & Clinical Trials

Read Pfizer's commitment to conducting ethical research, ensuring the safety and privacy of patients and how we approach clinical trials.