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Milwaukee's Daily Magazine for Wednesday, May 1, 2013

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Sassy Cow Egg Nog is the foundation for a yummy, if a little sinful, holiday quaff.
Sassy Cow Egg Nog is the foundation for a yummy, if a little sinful, holiday quaff.

A holiday black and tan

I think I may have invented a new holiday quaff.

While I can't guarantee someone hasn't already come up with this, I discovered it for myself last year and just had to share.

Finding myself armed with a wee jug of Sassy Cow egg nog and a small bottle of the Columbus dairy's chocolate milk, I couldn't resist my urge to experiment.

What I think I invented is a holiday black and tan, or more accurately, brown and yellow. But the latter just doesn't have the same panache, does it?

I filled a tall glass about two-thirds full of egg nog and then added the chocolate milk. I found that although it doesn't sit on top or float to the bottom, the chocolate milk sort of hides itself in the egg nog and you almost can't even tell it's there except for the dot at the center of the surface of the nog.

Further experiments showed that some very light stirring makes a streaked version and more vigorous mixing incorporates the milk creating a light brown mix.

But I preferred to leave the chocolate hidden inside, creating almost a reverse – and liquid – filled chocolate.

Though I didn't try it, certainly adding a little, ahem, juice would make it a more festive drink for adults only.

Sure, a tall glass full of egg nog and chocolate milk is a little sinful, but, hey, the holidays come but once a year.


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