BP social media

Want to stay in touch with what’s happening at BP? Join the conversation on our social media channels

You can find BP on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, YouTube and Flickr. Find your preferred social media channel and subject area below:

Social Media


Follow us or add us to one of your circles on Google+ be able to share and comment on our stories about BP and its people.

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Like our Facebook pages to find out more about BP stories and BP people– which are tailored for visitors from the UK, America and the rest of the world. You can engage with BP by commenting on our photos, links, and visitors, or by simply sending us a message if you want to ask a question of someone at BP or find out something.

We also have a BP Careers page on Facebook where you can find out more about BP’s graduate programmes and what it means to be part of BP.



Middle East

Rest of the world



You can follow our different Twitter handles for the latest news, press releases and reports from around BP:

@BP_plc is our main account where we tweet major announcements, business updates and BP news

@BP_Press gives you the latest press releases, news, photos and announcements as well as live tweets from big BP events

@BP_America tweet details of our US operations, and our ongoing commitment to America

@BP_Energie tweets the latest news and information from BP’s operations in Germany

@BP_Alaska tweets the latest news and information from BP’s operations in America’s 49th state

@BP_MiddleEast tweeting about our activities and the events that we support in the Middle East region


Follow our company page for  major BP  updates and job openings as well as success stories, information on the recruitment process and tips on how to join the oil and gas industry. 

For a more in-depth discussion about energy market economics, including analysis of historical trends and predictions about the future, be sure to follow Christof Ruhl, our Chief Economist who is one of LinkedIn’s Influencers.

BP on Linkedin 

Christof Ruhl on LinkedIn


If you want to watch and comment on BP’s videos subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can find a wide range of stories about our business performance, our investment in technology, our commitment to the countries we work, careers with BP and many other things.

Visit the page


Visit BP_images on Flickr to view, comment on or download pictures of our operations, locations and people.

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