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Watch video 26:06

Full episode 04.02.16 | 16:30 - 17:00 UTC

In Good Shape - The Health Show

Resilience is the ability to adapt to stress and adversity. In Good Shape explains how you can build up resilience. Other topics include potatoes, joint replacement, heat stroke and back pain.

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Full episode 24.06.2015 DW Fit und Gesund Resilienz 1

In Good Shape - The Health Show


Resilience: Inner Strength

Topic 24.06.2015 DW fit und gesund Studiogast ENG Munir Rashid

Interview: building inner strength

Topic 24.06.2015 DW Fit und Gesund Schulter 2

Age-related problem: shoulder degeneration

Topic 24.06.2015 DW Fit und Gesund Hitze 1

Too much sun: risk of heatstroke

Topic 24.06.2015 DW Fit und Gesund Kartoffel 1

Potatoes: healthy food!

Topic 24.06.2015 DW Fit und Gesund Ruecken 1

Back pain: 5 tips from an expert

Resilience is the ability to adapt to stress and adversity. In Good Shape explains how you can build up resilience. Other topics include potatoes, joint replacement, heat stroke and back pain.


Resilience: Inner Strength

The ability to keep yourself from being upset by difficulties, to remain strong and make the best of them, is what psychologists call resilience. The good thing about resilience is that it can be taught.

Interview: building inner strength

Munir Rashid explains resilience.

Age-related problem: shoulder degeneration

In people who do a lot of overhead work, shoulder degeneration is virtually certain. The joints become abraded through wear and tear, calcium deposits form, tendons and muscles wear out. Sometimes only an artificial joint can help.

Too much sun: risk of heatstroke

In heatstroke, the body’s temperature can rise to 40° Celsius or higher – a life-threatening level. Victims need immediate cooling and emergency medical care.

Potatoes: healthy food!

The potato is not only one of the most important but also one of the healthiest foods in the world. Its reputation for being fattening is unjustified. Instead, the humble spud is very rich in vitamins and minerals.

Back pain: 5 tips from an expert

90% of all back pain can be traced to tension and bad habits. In Good Shape fitness expert Claudius Kohdadad gives some simple but surprisingly effective tips on preventing back pain.