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10.2015 DW Global Ideas #doingyourbit

"I am passionate about both nature and music making, so it made sense to combine the two to try to spread environmental messages." - Turtuga Blanku, recording artist

"I have another vision of reforesting between Bwindi and Mgahinga National Parks – two isolated forest patches where endangered mountain gorillas live."

Wendee Nicole, Founder of Redemption Song Foundation, Uganda

"In the last few years, the Casa has really worked to reduce our ecological footprint or 'walk lightly on the earth,' as we say." Hayley Hathaway, director Casa de los Amigos

"For me, the true essence of sustainability is being connected with the world around you." Daan Roosegarde, artist and innovator

"I always find it surprising that even the most educated people do not know how toxic a smartphone is when it comes to recycling." Georg Hobmeier, Causa Creations

In the past six years Global Ideas has showcased hundreds of projects aimed at reversing biodiversity loss and mitigating the effects of climate change. This has connected us with thinkers and doers all over the world, but we know there are millions more of you out there working on protecting our environment. We want to find you, hear from you and profile your stories on our site. See below for details on how to reach us. We look forward to hearing from you and learning how you are #doingyourbit.

Tweet us at @dw_globalideas, upload your content using the form on this page or with a single side swipe on the DW app, find us at https://www.facebook.com/dw.globalideas or email us at doingyourbit@dw.com. We look forward to hearing from you and learning how you are #doingyourbit.

"I believe we can have a positive effect on the climate change crisis by making careful purchasing decisions." James Whitlow Delano of Everyday Climate Change

"In Malawi, women traditionally prepare the food with their children playing near them in the kitchen and it is common for children to fall into the fire or for women’s long skirts to catch fire." RIPPLE Africa