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Health Yourself is Australia's most popular health newsletter. Published since 1986, and distributed to more than 1,000 companies, its unique approach to health and wellbeing in the workplace has been praised by professionals, management and employees alike.

Covering such areas as nutrition, exercise, safety, employee communication and stress management, it helps employees understand the wisdom of disease prevention and to appreciate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. For employers, this can mean lower absenteeism, improved productivity and reduced indirect health care costs

All this is achieved with the aid of an easy-to-read format specifically designed to hold the reader's attention. Not surprisingly, our clients find that over 90% of their staff read Health Yourself from cover to cover and over 80% of readers say they pass it on to friends. One could not ask for a better indication of how well the newsletter works.

Don't let the brevity of Health Yourself's articles fool you. We simply come straight to the point - and that's what our readers appreciate the most!

Helping people to wisely look after themselves is a formula welcomed by employers and employees alike.

Clients find over 90% of their staff read "HEALTH YOURSELF". This not only assists in reducing absenteeism and improves productivity, but also heightens a company's credibility and integrity.

"HEALTH YOURSELF" is more than a Newsletter, it is an affordable and enjoyable workplace Health Program.

Health Yourself is so easy to implement. We deliver it to your door each month, completely personalised with your companies logo if you wish.Each month 80% of our print run is customised for clients And it's so flexible - you choose how often you want to receive it.

Find out for yourself why over 1,000 companies are Health Yourself subscribers.

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