XenaEyes Classic/General Fan Fiction Gallery

Content Ratings Codes
Click here to find out what they mean. Please keep in mind that these ratings codes are very generalized.  So regardless of how I classify a story, you should always read the authors' disclaimers carefully. 

Awards & Readability Codes
XIPPY - The story has won the XIPPY award from MaryD at The Australian Xena Information Page

My personal "readability" codes are as follows:
Recommended - I found the story to be relatively free from error and the storyline interesting and entertaining making it a very good read.

Highly Recommended - I found the story free from glaring errors and the storyline extremely interesting, very entertaining, and/or thought provoking making it a very pleasurable read.

And now on to the stories....


Adams, Paully "Angel In My Eyes" [Sub]
"Sophia's Family" [MV]
"The Deal" [MV]
Anderson, Joseph 

"History Lesson" [GV]

"Final Exam" [GV]
"Graduate School"  [GV][ML]
Archaeobard "The Cess Pit"
BlindzonElyzon "Why?" [Sub]

"Seeking Her in Peace"

"X Partners" [Sub]; Recommended 
Carper, Rachel "Gabrielle and the One True God"
"Xena And The One True God"
Doyle, Brigid "Pieces of Darkness"
"Mine...to Have and Hold"
Extra22 "Choices"
"Opening Up With The Warrior Princess"
"Home" [MV]
"Redemption" [MV]
Jera "Fireside Thoughts" [Sub]
"The Sword" [Sub]

"Away" [Sub]

Kamouraskan "Acceptance"

"Champion" [MV]; Highly Recommended 

"Judgement" [MV]; Highly Recommended 
"Undelivered Mail"
Kearns, Danielle "Fields of Gray" Vignette
Kwipinky "Ares Rift"

"In The Game Of Love"

Lariel "As The Day Dawns"
"Growing Pains"
"Hello Beautiful"
"A Prayer For You" XIPPY Award Winner
"Wish You Were Here..." by Lariel and Temora [Sub]
Firelight Series by Lariel:
"By Firelight"
"By Firelight (2)"
"By Firelight (3)"
Lawlsfan "Togetherness"

"Mr. Turnip Head Rides Again" [Gen]; Suitable for older children and adults. :-)

Lawson, Jennifer "The Hunter - Part I: Soulmates" [ML][MV]; Highly Recommended 
"The Hunter - Part II: Filed Under X For … Xena" [ML]
Phantom Bard 

"Xena: Defender of the Faith";  This one could be considered an Uber tale to a certain extent. Recommended!

Power Chakram "Destiny's Dominion" [MV]; Highly Recommended 
Raine "Letting Her Go" [Sub]
Samsara "Cold Hand Of Vengeance" [MV]
"Kakistos (Worst of the Worst)"


Temora "Fighting The Good Fight" Recommended 

"Yeah, But With A Really Big Sword" XIPPY Award winner

"The Lady Knows When To Leave" Recommended 
"Wish You Were Here..." by Lariel and Temora [Cl][Sub]
Withercross, Claire "As The Stomach Turns" [Sub]
"A Near Life Experience" [Cl]
"A Near Life Experience, Too" [Cl]
"Random Thoughts" Please read disclaimers, starting at part 5 alternative elements of this story appear.
"The Release"

[Alternative] [Classic/General] [Uber] [Poetry]