Look and Read
Air Dates


Welcome to the extremely boring Air Date reference section of the site.
Choose a decade for full details of every Look and Read TV airing...

1967 - 1969
With airings of the stories Bob and Carol look for treasure and Len and the River Mob. Starts in 1967.

1970 - 1979
With airings of the stories Bob and Carol look for treasure, The Boy From Space, Cloud Burst, Joe and the Sheep Rustlers, The King's Dragon, Len and the River Mob and Skyhunter.

1980 - 1989
With airings of the stories Badger Girl, The Boy From Space, Dark Towers, Fair Ground!, Geordie Racer, The King's Dragon, Skyhunter and Through The Dragon's Eye.

1990 - 1999
With airings of the stories Badger Girl, Captain Crimson, Earth Warp, Geordie Racer, The Legend of the Lost Keys, LRTV, Skyhunter, Skyhunter 2, Spywatch and Through The Dragon's Eye. There are still some gaps in this section.

2000 - 2001
With airings of the stories Captain Crimson, Spywatch, Through The Dragon's Eye and Zzaap and the Word Master. Good as far as summer 2001.

NOTE: I do appreciate the argument that a decade runs from the year x1 to the following y0, but thought that would look more rubbish than it does like this.

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This counter was accidentally fiddled. Knock off 100 for accurate report.