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Pure Harry Potter

Draco/Ginny (31)

Harry/Hermione (4)

Harry/Ginny (2)

Ron/Hermione (5)

Severus/Hermione (3)

Draco Fiction (9)

Ginny Fiction (9)

Harry Fiction (6)

Hermione Fiction (-3)

Inter-house Fiction (37)
Miscellaneous characters from all houses that don't have their own category

House Fiction (11)

Luna Fiction (1)

Marauder Fiction (-1)

Next Generation (2)

Professor Fiction (6)

Remus (3)

Ron Fiction (3)

Sirius (1)

Weasleys (2)

Slash Pairings (7)

No stories found.

This is an unofficial fanfiction, non-profit website and is not endorsed or associated with J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Bloomsbury Publishing, Warner Brothers or any corporation. Any characters and settings that are recognizable above belong to the aforementioned individual/companies. No copyright infringement is intended.

Any stories found within the archives are not the personal views of the owners, webmistress or Admins. Each original story is copyrighted by the Author. If there are any questions about the story they should be directed to the Author. By reading >16 and>18 rated stories the user certifies they are of legal age to do so within the city, county, state, and country you reside in.