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Who are the admins of this site?

They can all be contacted using this address.

I forgot my password! What do I do now?
Email us from the email address that you used to create the account with. We will reset the password accordingly so that you may log in again.

A fic I just read is mis-rated/no warnings/is in the wrong category. Who do I contact about this?
If you have any problems with any of the stories here (it's been mis-rated, doesn't have the proper warnings, doesn't meet the length requirements, been put in the wrong category or has content that you think is questionable for this archive email Complaints with the following information:
Story Title
Issue with the story

My story has been turned down by the archive. Why, and what can I do about it?
There are a few reasons why this would be. Normally we try and make sure that the reasons - or if there are many, some of the reasons - are listed in the rejection letter. If you feel that the rejection was unfair then please feel free to appeal.
If your story failed to meet any of the rules of the site then this would be why the story was rejected.
This archive was set up to serve the people who want to read quality fiction, if you have failed to spell character names or spells/curses correctly, have forgotten the importance of grammar or have used a Mary-Sue then your story will be rejected.

One of the rules of the site is "No Mary-Sues". What is a Mary-Sue?
Taken from this site
You've probably already come across Mary Sue. She is universally adored by all the regular characters, and she's usually the child or lover of the author's favourite. She is the most beautiful creature to ever live. She always saves the day, or dies heroically in the attempt, causing even the most cold hearted of the other characters to cry. She either becomes a figure of authority, defies it at every turn, or manages to do both at the same time. She has a wide variety of talents, putting her above and beyond mere mortals, and she's often named after the author. In short, Mary Sue is what everyone wants to be, and no one actually is.

I have written a story that is Harry Potter crossed over with something not mentioned on your site, where do I put it?
If you have written a crossover with something not listed anywhere on the site then email me. As it hasn't happened yet I can add in a new section within Others if necessary.

I want to become a site affiliate, how do I do it?
This is really very easy. Send me a blurb about your site along with a button (40x100 maximum) and then take a button from here.

I want to advertise your site on my links page, where are your banners?
All banners for Obscurus are found here.

I want to be a beta
Brilliant, there can never be too many betas. Send me a blurb about yourself, name, age, what you want to beta, ratings you would be willing to beta and what experience you have (this is the most important bit). Send the email to the site.

Someone left a flame in my reviews
Flames will not be tolerated. If someone has left you a flame then email me.

If you find that there is something you need to know and I haven't answered it here then feel free to email me at raye@patronus.co.uk.

This is an unofficial fanfiction, non-profit website and is not endorsed or associated with J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Bloomsbury Publishing, Warner Brothers or any corporation. Any characters and settings that are recognizable above belong to the aforementioned individual/companies. No copyright infringement is intended.

Any stories found within the archives are not the personal views of the owners, webmistress or Admins. Each original story is copyrighted by the Author. If there are any questions about the story they should be directed to the Author. By reading R and NC-17 rated stories the user certifies they are of legal age to do so within the city, county, state, and country you reside in.