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Publicly available collections of RDF and web services that return RDF. Corrections and new listings welcome on the rdfdata.org wiki.


2005-01-05 New data category: geographical information

2004-12-02 New data category: bibliographic information. Apparently, this is a popular application of RDF, and rightly so.

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Web Kanzaki image metadata (2005-03-03) RDF files point to XSLT stylesheets for display in Mozilla and Internet Explorer, often with clickable image maps implemented.

Weblog archives at Happy John Software (2005-03-02) A series of RSS 1.0 files.

Metadata for Jip de Kort's photos (2005-03-01) Add ?tmpl=image-foaf to the URL for an image, such as http://www.kwark.org/Gfx/2005/2005Week08/dscn9091.Kariboestraat.jpg.html, to see RDF of the metadata for the image. (example)

picdiary.com picture metadata (2005-02-28) Pictures by Matt Biddulph, metadata in RSS 1.0.

Metadata for Morten Frederiksen's photos [RDF] (2005-02-25) all.rdf file is a starting point for scuttering.

HTTP header registry [RDF] (2005-02-24) Created by Mark Nottingham. In n3.

AKT Research Map [RDF] (2005-02-23) "The AKT Research Map describes research activities that have been carried out within the AKT project and the progress and relevant information about these activities."

Metadata about norman.walsh.name web pages (2005-02-22) One for each of the hundreds of web pages on the site, I believe.