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MediaMax Technical Support
Using Mediamax on a PC

If you are using Mediamax on a PC, you must be made aware that MediaMax is a DOS program, and can ONLY work in a DOS shell. If you are using a PC running Windows 3.1, 95/98, or NT, please read the information below describing the proper scenario to run MediaMax on your machine.

Windows 3.1 - To run MediaMax with this operating system, simply install the program to you hard disk, then boot your machine to the DOS prompt. Then type "cd\mediamax", then, "mediamax." The program should work normally.

Windows 95/98 - To run MediaMax with this operating system, install the program on your hard disk. Then you must insert the boot floppy disk (which should be included with your program), turn off or reset your machine to close windows, then let the machine boot off of the floppy disk. This floppy disk will automatically start MediaMax. If you do not have a boot floppy disk, pleasedownload the files necessary to boot MediaMax on a Windows PC.

Before you can download these files, you must perform the following tasks:

  • You must format a "bootable" floppy-disk making sure to format it with your Windows format tool found in Windows explorer.
  • Once this task is done you may click on the link to download the files to copy to your floppy-disk.
  • Use WinZip or a similar program to unzip the downloaded MediaMax file onto your newly formatted floppy disk.

MMax Boot Files

Windows NT - MediaMax runs on Windows NT with the same rules applying as that apply with the Win 95/98 paragraph above. If you are running Windows NT with the NTFS file system, MediaMax will NOT work. MediaMax is NOT compatible with the NTFS file system.

Using MediaMax on a Macintosh

As of the construction of this page, there have been no technical issues with running MediaMax on an Apple Macintosh computer. Please feel free to email technical support if you find ANY technical issues running MediaMax on your Mac.

If You Are running OS X you may need to be able to support classic mode to run MediaMax.

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