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   Sea ships hypothec in Russia




Chapter 1. The concept of sea ships hypothec.  

§ 1. The Legislative base of sea ship hypothec.

§ 2. The concept and the base of origin.

Chapter 2. Sea ships hypothec contract.

§ 1. The Subject of sea ships hypothec. 

§ 2. Conclusion of hypothec contract. 

§ 3. The Legal framework of legal hypothec.  

§ 4. Termination of hypothec.     

Chapter 3. The State registration of sea ships hypothec.

§ 1. Notarial verification and state registration of sea ships hypothec.




Hold in Russia market reforms required the significant changes in Civil Legislation. Legal institutes that had not attracted attention for a long time obtained the new feature.

Among them special place is taken by mortgage and hypothec, as a kind of mortgage. In particular, it is the sea ships (hereinafter referred to as “ships”) hypothec as a method of provision of obligations fulfillment.

The subject of present work is certain problems of sea ships hypothec in accordance with Russian legislation.

The actuality of this legal institute is incontestable. In present-day conditions a necessity in credit resources is very high and thus reliable legal means for provision of its return are required. Not only creditors are interested in it, but also potential borrowers, since otherwise the latter lose the possibility of real attraction of funds into the scope of its activity.

It is known that maintenance and purchase of ships require significant funds.

In the process of the economic activity ship-owners have to involve additional funds as loans, thus ships themselves serve as means of liability securing of ship-owners on the debt recovery.

Economic practice, especially in scope of bank lending, testifies the active use of mortgage. At the same time there is an obvious necessity in perfection of legal regulation of mortgage relations as a result of presence gaps, contradictions and other lacks of existing legislation.

In the view of law, attraction of borrowed funds by Russian ship-owners is possible, in particular, in presence of well working law mechanism of ships hypothec.

The perfection of legislation is impossible without complex approach to comprehension of most important theoretical problems, comparison legal forms with present life. During last 10 years many works, devoted to the study of charging lien (hypothec law), had appeared. However, the problems, concerned with ascertainment of specificity of ships hypothec, did not get a proper coverage in legal literature.


Chapter 1.  The concept of sea ships hypothec

§ 1. Legislative base of ships hypothec


Mortgage as means of liability securing is one of legal institute most regulated by Civil code.  25 articles of the Code are devoted to the legal relationships, related to the mortgage.  There is Federal mortgage law dated 29 May 1992, and on 16 July 1998 Federal hypothec law entered into legal force that regulate the legal relations on the mortgage of immovable property.

The importance of Federal hypothec law in conditions of market economy is caused by the reason that such mortgage is one of the most reliable instruments, which secure the fulfillment of liabilities by all members of civil circulation. First of all, under the mortgage specific immovable property is allotted and its cost exceeds the amount of debt, which guarantees a discharge of debt after selling the property at breach of obligation by debtor.  In second place, parties know it at the moment of liability accrual. At third, a creditor-pawnee has a legal right go get satisfaction of his money claims before debtor primary prior to other creditors of pawner out of proceeds of pledged property. At last, besides considerable cost, such property acts the important part in pawner’s life and he will try not to lose it.

Federal hypothec law regulates hypothec of different kinds of property with consideration of its specificity.

Legal regulation of ships hypothec in accordance with Russian legislation is exercised by Merchant shipping code, Civil code, Mortgage law and Hypothec law.

Common mortgage rules contained in Civil code are applied to the hypothec of immovable property, if Hypothec law does not state other rules.

Considering hypothec of ships. Sea ships itself are very specific object. Therefore, relations, connected to sea ships, require not just common regulation by indicated above acts of legislation.

Detailed regulation of sea ships hypothec is carried out exactly in Merchant shipping code.

Merchant shipping code, which was acting until 1999, did not regulate and even did not state the possibility of sea ships hypothec. It was explained by the prevalent property form in whole and by the position of Soviet legislation, which forbidden the charge on sea ships without consent of USSR Council of Ministers.

In Merchant shipping code, which is in force now, a whole chapter is devoted to ships hypothec. Station 22 of the Code, devoted to the legal regulation of relations, concerned with sea mortgage on ship and ship hypothec, are based on principles of International convention of sea mortgages and hypothecs of 1993. Russian Federation has expressed its consent for joining to the indicated International convention on March 4th, 1999 on the ground of Federal law # 184-FZ dated December 17th, 1998.

All these legislative acts regulate such basic stations, concerning the mortgage and hypothec, as concept and base of mortgage origin, mortgage subject, concept of powner, contract and requirements made for contract, basic rights and liabilities of parties, charge on pledged property and other issues.


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