Kasha J. from Freedom And Roam Uganda (FARUG)
When Ugandans hear that we are advocating for gay rights they imagine we want more or extra rights,but NO,we want what belongs to us which was robbed from us,EQUAL RIGHTS which we are entitled to just like any other Ugandans.
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episcopal 'exemplars' II

Last Updated: March 9, 2006

Page: 1

By Ron Pedersen Jr. (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review)


March 9, 2006: In response to letter-writer John Patterson's support of African Archbishop Akinola ("Gospel of impotence," March 7 and TribLIVE.com), I offer the opinion of another Anglican African, Bishop Desmond Tutu. Bishop Tutu was "refined in fires of persecution" fighting against apartheid. His conclusion? "I could not have fought against apartheid and not also fight against the discrimination that homosexuals end  ure. ..."

Bishop Tutu understands that just as skin color is not a matter of choice and should not be cause for either privilege or hardship, neither should sexual orientation.


Mr. Patterson, you have not earned or achieved heterosexuality. It is yours because of genetics. You face no persecution because of it.


Being gay, I had to fight and struggle for the "rights" and "privileges" straight people take for granted, even identity. As a Christian, I wrestled spiritually for years to come to terms with my faith and orientation. This struggle built and strengthens my passion for Jesus Christ, the gospel, social justice and equity, hardly "impotent" or "trendy" theology.


Before assuming motives for our views, I would suggest discussing issues with liberal Christians to understand why we see things the way we do. We're good people. We might surprise you.

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