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a second journalist sentenced in case of

Last Updated: March 30, 2006

Page: 1

Source: allafrica.com

March 30, 2006: On 24 March 2006, a Yaoundé first instance court handed down a double sentence to Ayisi Biloa, the publication director for the Yaoundé-based "Nouvelle Afrique", for six months' imprisonment. Biloa was accused of libelling Jean-Pierre Mayo and Grégoire Owona, a Cameroonian medical doctor and minister in charge of relationships with assemblies, respectively.

The journalist was sentenced to pay a 3 million and 1 million FCFA (approx. 4,500 and 1,500 euros)fine, respectively, to each of the plaintiffs for damages.

According to charges against Biloa, he named Mayo and Owona in a "list of homosexuals of Cameroon" published in a "Nouvelle Afrique" January issue.

This sentence is the second one handed down by the same court for the same case. On 3 March, Jean Pierre Belinga Amougou, publication director for the Yaoundé-based "L'Anecdote", was sentenced to four months' imprisonment and a fine of 1 million FCFA (approx. 1,500 euros). Amougou was charged with libelling the same Grégoire Owona, whose name had been retaken on a "list of homosexuals of Cameroon", published in January by "L'Anecdote".

Overall, from January to early February, more than ten complaints concerning defamation have been filed with the Yaoundé Court against journalists and their papers. The latter have been given several names of religious leaders, artists, athletes and politicians of Cameroon, accused of being homosexuals.

In Cameroon, homosexuality is a breach of law that can cost one from six months to five years' imprisonment and a fine of 20,000 to 200,000 FCFA (approx. 30 to 300 euros).

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