Ugandan resident on homosexuality
Some boys believe that to sleep with a man is safe because all the billboards around town show heterosexual couples, with messages ... nothing is said about homosexual couples using a condom, so they think it is safer to sleep with each other than a girl.
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another gay star is born

fighting aids and gay stigma

witnessing a great south african launching his witness to aids

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rising syphilis rate linked to gay men
HIV/ AIDS – May 10, 2006: Syphilis rates in blacks, women and babies declined significantly between 1999 and 2004 but continued to rise overall, driven by a dramatic jump in infections among gay and bisexual men, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday. [more]

cheney's daughter on family dinners, kerry and coming out
BOOKS – May 10, 2006: For much of the world, the bald man with the crooked smile is a scary figure who operates in the shadows of a superpower, dragging the US into wars, defending torture, making oil companies rich. For Mary Cheney, he's just dad. [more]

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