Cathy Crimmins, author of How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization
I decided that I dont care if I come across as the biggest fag-hag in the land.
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Previous Stories
zimbabwe's first gay rights activist: Sarmiento, 1788
March 4, 2005: Donatien-Alphonse-Francois Sade, also known as the Marquis de Sade, was a key influence on the development of gay literature and of modern homosexual identities. Little known is that Sade was also "Zimbabwe's First Novelist." This honour is based on a story that Sade wrote while in prison in France in 1788. A large part of the story is set in Butua, the name of the kingdom that dominated the western part of Zimbabwe from the 16th century.  [more]

witnessing a great south african launching his witness to aids
April 13, 2005: Almost breaking some of his personal principles, Esau Mathope trawls north of Johannesburg to attend Judge Edwin Cameron's book launch. The exception is not hard to justify. [more]

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