Hephzibah House
Hephzibah House
Ronald Williams, Director

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Fear of Man

by Dr. Ronald E. Williams

A young teenaged girl winces with startled pain as a hole is made in her tongue to accommodate the metal stud she intends to wear. She suspected this procedure would not be pleasant, but was not prepared for the level of pain she experienced.

She is representative of multitudes of others who are willing to voluntarily submit themselves to exquisite pain and bizarre appearance if need be, in order to achieve what they perceive as proper social standing in their circle of friends, acquaintances and others of like mind.

Fascinated bystanders could ask in their own minds, what would motivate an otherwise intelligent-looking person to such outlandish disfigurement? This, and many other such bizarre practices such as nose-piercing, piercing of eyebrows, multiple ear-piercings, navel piercings, lip piercing, wearing of chains and dog collars, grotesque tattoos, slit tongues, etc., all make a social statement. Such behavior might be expected among pagan people groups of equatorial Africa, but what are we to make of this phenomenon in enlightened Occidental culture? The answer lies in a principle as old as humanity itself: the fear of man.

What is the Fear of Man?

Proverbs 29:25 states, "The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be saved." One has defined fear as a painful emotion excited by a fear of evil or impending danger. In other words, this fear has components of dread, terror and fright. This fear is a great motivator. It causes us to avoid, or ward off, the perceived evil or consequences. Another has said fear is the passion of our nature which excites us to provide for our security, on the approach of evil or danger.

A Snare is Used By Hunters and Trappers

What then is a "snare" that this fear brings? I was once privileged to accompany an Alaskan trapper on his trap line. I watched in fascinated curiosity as he placed snares for timber wolves.

Observing where the pack of wolves had a "run," he placed a wire in the shape of a rigid noose where the wolf would jump over an obstacle, and unwittingly place his head through this hidden "noose." It was large enough to accommodate his head, but not his body. The force of forward motion would tighten the snare around the neck of the wolf (the other end was secured to a root, or in the ground), and with each struggling movement to get away, would progressively tighten the snare around his neck, bringing a swift and suffocating death.

God warns us that the fear of man brings unexpected danger on which the hapless victim did not reckon or anticipate, either as to the suddenness of its occurrence, or the high degree of trauma and damage it would produce. Thus, a snare is an unexpected, unanticipated danger which entangles, harms and hurts us.

Many Politicians, Few Statesmen

Why do many modern politicians use extensive polls, focus groups and meticulous sociological research of public opinion to determine what will be their personal position on an issue or policy: because of the fear of man. Politicians know the inherent, fickle nature of the "hoi polloi" (the mass of the people), and are forced by the shifting sands of public opinion to constantly gauge in what direction the political winds are blowing, lest they be found on the minority side of a given issue or dispute.

Because what the masses think is in a constant state of flux, such compromising politicians, driven by this fear of man, are constantly, assiduously taking the public pulse to determine their ever-changing position. What these shallow, unprincipled politicians fear the most is that they may unwittingly take a position contrary to the majority of their constituency. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress would label such a man "Mr. Pliable."

By way of contrast, statesmen of principle, integrity, character and morals are quite willing to take unpopular positions, though they know they will be hated and despised by the majority. Such resolute, unwavering leaders with moral backbone are a Godsend to a party, group or country.

Preachers are not Exempt

Why do some preachers pull back from plain, uncompromising preaching, giving no fear or favor to any listener? Because of the fear of man. A minister motivated by the fear of man will soften his message and mitigate his applications for fear of losing members or even his church. One only has to briefly survey the current apostasy and compromise to witness the pernicious effects of this adulterated preaching. The dress, music, values, carnality and worldliness of the Western Church bear stark evidence of the "snare" brought upon us through weak, insipid preaching calculated to never offend anyone except those who want to live a holy life.

When John the Baptist thrust his bony finger under King Herod's nose (Mark 6:18), and loudly exclaimed, "It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife," Herod chafed, but listened in enraged silence. Why? Because of the fear of man. He knew John was exceedingly popular, and for him to exact revenge against this eccentric, hair-shirted prophet, would bring the antipathy of the masses against him (Mark 6:20).

In an amazing twist of developments (Mark 6:26), Herod later ordered the decapitation of John the Baptist. Why? Because of the fear of man. Because of a foolish promise made to his step-daughter in the presence of the notable figures of his kingdom, he allowed himself to be used by his revenge-seeking wife and step-daughter when they asked for the head of John the Baptist. For fear that others would think he was weak and vacillating, this moral dwarf ordered John's execution.

King Zedekiah resisted the plain warnings of Jeremiah, and refused to surrender himself and his kingdom to the Babylonians. Why? Because of the fear of man (Jer. 52:10-11). He reasoned the Jews who had already capitulated to the Babylonians would kill him, or surely his princes in Jerusalem would do so if he followed the unpopular preaching of Jeremiah. The snare? He witnessed the execution of his sons just prior to his being blinded. He would die as a blind prisoner of war in Babylon.

Lost, Religious Leaders Are Motivated by the Fear of Man

What would motivate urbane, highly educated and zealous Pharisees to betray the Son of God into the hands of Gentile executioners? The fear of man (John 11:48). Shameless, overt plotting against our Saviour was driven by the fear of His success. Should He succeed, or so they reasoned in their moral cowardice and raw ambition, the Romans would surely come and take away their nation and their privileges.

A query from the Pharisees to our Saviour was usually meant to put Him on the horns of a moral dilemma. In Matt. 21:25-26, our Lord characteristically turned the dilemma upon them with regard to the source of His authority. In His rejoinder to the Pharisees, He asked concerning the Baptism of John the Baptist; was it from Heaven or from men. Their moral cowardice and fear of man was illustrated in their reasoning: "If we shall say, From heaven, He will say unto us, why did ye not then believe Him? But if we shall say, Of men; we fear the people; for all hold John as a prophet." In typical casuistry and sophistry, they replied that they did not know. Why? For fear of man!

Godly Biblical Figures Felt This Pressure

The fear of man is not peculiar to reprobate, Christ-rejecting men. Consider Abraham as he flees the dearth of Palestine for the provisions of Egypt (Gen. 12). After thoughtful consideration, Abraham reasoned: 1) My wife, Sarah, despite her mature years, is physically beautiful and attractive. She will not go unnoticed by Egyptians who will desire her for themselves. 2) Because, though they are pagan and polytheistic, they do honor the institution of marriage, they will kill me in order to make Sarah a widow, and thus could marry her to one of their notable men. 3) Therefore, we must testify she is my sister. Why? Because of the fear of man.

David is in Philistine territory for fear of Saul, and realizes his life is in danger (1 Sam. 21:13). He scrabbles at a door, allows his spittle to drool, and acts as a fool. Why? Because of the fear of man.

Aaron fashions a golden calf reminiscent of the Egyptian god Apis with which Israelites were very familiar. Why? Because of the fear of man (Exo. 32:22-24).

Peter in a dramatic retrogression of moral cowardice, denies the Lord with the vehement cursing he no doubt would have used on his Galilean fishing boat. Why? For fear of man (Matt. 26:69-74).

Fear of Man is as Old as Humanity

The fear of man is a very basic motivation, and is the source of myriads of compromises, evils, sins and altered behavior. It causes powerful senators, congressmen and other political leaders to bow, scrape and fawn before the liberal media. It causes pastors and parishioners to stay in churches, denominations and fellowships which have left their orthodoxy and Biblical foundations. It causes young people to abuse drugs, rebel against authority, "Join up with the gang," desire the cacophonous music of hell, look and act as a mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals, flush their moral purity down the toilet, and have the morals of a barnyard animal.

Loving the praise of man more than the praise of God is a sin rooted in antiquity. Implied in this phenomenon is an exaggerated opinion of the greatness, power and influence of man. This in turn, causes souls in the grip of this fear of man to be ever attuned to what is popular and acceptable to the masses, rather than what is ethical, moral or righteous. To such a sycophant of public opinion, a smile of approval from the crowd is exhilarating and fulfilling, and becomes a source of their identity and security.

Believers March to the Beat of a Different Drum

A soul regenerated by the grace of God, and possessing the righteousness of Christ already possesses the indescribable riches of heaven for his affirmation, identity, approval and security. To seek these blessings from the fickle, reprobate mob is to see my spiritual birthright as a mess of pottage. Why would I seek security/approval from a crowd which hates my Saviour, or at the least compromises with His Word? Why would I conform my dress, appearance, tastes, values, music and activities to fit in with dirty compromisers and Christ-rejectors?

Prophets never ran in packs! They marched to the beat of a different drum than the world around them. If I wish to demonstrate the same morals, integrity and character as the prophets, I must walk on the straight and narrow path; a path of isolation, ridicule, rejection and suffering. Such souls are not influenced by the smiles/frowns of the crowd, the Gallup poll or their popularity index. Rather, they seek the approbation and smile of the risen Saviour.

If I name the name of Christ and seek to be identified with His cause, part of my pilgrimage will be the enduring of suffering; the rejection of the majority. If I plan to be aligned with the despised minority called Bible Christians, why would I seek to identify with or seek to placate the crowd that laughs at my Bible, has the world in their heart, scorns my Saviour, and considers a holy life to be laughable and unnecessary?

For Evidence, Look at Many Contemporary Youth

To see the awesome power the fear of man exerts, one only has to look at our young people, who, though they look hideous, bizarre, abnormal and pathetic, consider themselves to be "cool." Whether it be bizarre tattoos, slit tongues, body piercings, dog collars and chains, or outrageous clothing, hair styles/colors, there is nothing too degrading or too bizarre to endure and practice to identify with the crowd they fear.

Such fear should only be given to the living God. By the fear of God, men depart from evil (Prov. 16:6). Accordingly, souls driven by the fear of man are in actuality idolaters. What we fear motivates us to change our life, values, behavior, etc. This should and rightly ought to be from a healthy fear of God. The average young person has a god called "the crowd." Fear of that crowd is an instrument of omnipotence in his life that causes him to stifle his convictions, deny his conscience and common sense and silence his moral protest. To put it another way, fear of man makes him a coward, a compromiser and a social lemming (an animal who will blindly follow other lemmings to certain death).

A man who will courageously face enemy fire on the battlefield would for the fear of man blush to be caught in prayer or reading his Bible by his "buddies." Men instinctively know holy living and Bible Christianity is unpopular, and will seek to be "secret agent" disciples or to be so compromised so as to not be so obvious or apparent. But the crowd is almost always morally wrong! If I seek to worship at the altar of popularity and social acceptability, I had better get ready for a roller coaster ride! Fashions, tastes and values of the masses change monthly, yearly and generationally. Morals continue to be debased and debauched. With no Biblical, moral compass, behavior inevitably becomes more brutish, disgusting, nasty, egregious, bestial and degraded.

The Tiny Minority is Right

Moses esteemed the reproaches of Christ of greater value than all the riches of Egypt! Keeping our focus on heavenly approbation rather than the smiles/frowns of the crowd will make me a member of a tiny minority. It caused Paul to live as a tiger, undaunted by persecution and life-threatening situations. It caused David to live fearless of his life in battle. Even Paul's companions deserted him in the hour of his trial when they feared man.

Fearing God rather than man will make me a member of a tiny, despised minority. I will look, act, think, and dress in a radically different way than the crowd. But as has been true of the Godly remnant down through the centuries, I will be right, and the crowd will be wrong.

Dear reader, whom do you fear? The living God or the crowd? If I name the name of Christ, I had better be motivated by a heavenly smile/frown rather than the smile/frown of the crowd. In the former case, blessing awaits me. In the latter case, a snare will be my lot.

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