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Nelson and His Navy

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Lord Nelson

The Historical Maritime Society undertakes research into the life and times of Horatio Nelson and the Royal Navy of the Napoleonic Wars period. Follow the links below to find out more about the historical background. New material is constantly being added to this section of the site.

If you cannot find out the information you are seeking click here to ask us a question on our discussion board.

General Background and Characters
  1. Did Nelson intend to signal England or Nelson to the fleet at Trafalgar
  2. Who was Thomas Cochrane and why did he inspire Patrick O'Brian
  3. The story of Gunner Joe (a poem)
  4. Nelson writes in the 'Nelson Spirit'
  5. Ship losses of all the navies from 1793 to 1802
  6. The Battle of Cape St Vincent
  7. Trafalgar - the French version!
  8. Santa Cruz - can you find Nelsons arm whilst you are on holiday
  9. Trafalgar - the Spanish Version!
  10. The French Revolutionary Calendar
  11. What is the source of all the Myths about Nelson's Navy
The Officers and the 'People' (Crew)
  1. The duties of the Master
  2. The duties of the Surgeon
  3. The duties of the Purser
  4. A contemporay account of the ships cook
  5. Working Womens Dress in the late 18th and early 19th centuries
  6. The role of women who sailed with the Royal Navy
  7. Lunacy onboard ship
  8. The Royal Marines
  9. What did women do on board ship
  10. Surgery in the Royal Navy 1793-1815
Food and Adminstration
  1. Was the food full of Maggots and Weevils?
  2. The Articles of War published in 1749
  3. A real experience with the impressement service (press gang)
  4. The Cat O' Nine Tails used for punishment
  5. Scurvy - the sailors disease and its prevention
  6. A poem about Grog
  7. The Naval toasts for each day of the week
  8. Rates of Pay onboard ship
  9. Prize Money - or how to make yourself very rich from a quick fight
  10. Diet and Victualling - how sailors eat really well for their time
  11. The Sailors Prayer
  12. The Grog Conundrum
  13. Cheese and the Royal Navy
Naval Gunnery
  1. The duties of the Gunner and his crew
  2. The sequence of orders used to fire cannons
  3. The Carronade - an effective short range weapon
  4. The dangers of 'Loose Cannons'
Navigation and Seamanship
  1. A brief introduction to navigation
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