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Note: All images on these plans fall under Copyright "Fair Use" Guidelines. They are to be used for the sole purpose of study only by Art Teachers. I can not grant permission to use them for any other purpose - they can not be published any where else.  These lesson plans are copyrighted - and are presented here for art teachers to use in their classrooms. They may not be published elsewhere without written permission from Judy Decker. If you put student work on your site using one of these lesson, a link back to this site would be appreciated. More lessons on Incredible Art Department

When your objectives fail... don't blame the child. Look at what is wrong with your lesson. Children should not fail art when they are using their Hands - the Head - and their they are only acting like an artist. These lessons can not begin to show all I did in the classroom. I made it my job to also know a lot about art work the resembled the work a child (to a degree). When a child's work didn't quite match my objectives..... as long as the BIG idea was met that was always OK by me. I just found how to make my objectives fit what that child was doing. Students who fail art - had an adult somewhere along the way who failed them (a teacher? a parent?). Keep them motivated an open to learn in your classroom. Examine your lesson objectives. Teach for BIG ideas....go for meaning and purpose. Granted examples on these plans were chosen as they met the objectives as written. If I wrote down everything I did in my classroom, I would have gotten nothing else done. I often used the same written lesson (to please administrators) but did it totally different in my room as not all groups of kids are a like - and needs were different at the time.  Reusing written plans just made my life easier.

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade
Cave art -reviewing elements and principles of design Art of Africa -Unit ceramics and printmaking - textures African Ceramics- coil and draped slab methods
African art - textile design  - paper  weaving - technology Ceramic Box African art inspired Coil pot - with symbolism - Renassance inspired
African art - sculpture - abstract  - macquette Mancala game - paper mache sculpture Renaissance parody - portrait in Renaissance style - technology.
Australian art - x-ray style - relief print Andean Textile design - painting Renaissance Relief sculpture - ceramics relief - facial features.
Tessellations - Medieval Bestiary using triangle tessellation. Symmetry/reflection. Pre-Columbian ceramics - Story teller Writing assignment Jazz drawing - design elements -color planning - African American art
Effigy vessel - starting with bowl shape 
Empty bowl - community service project (make two bowls)
Oaxacan Animals - paper mache sculpture Jazz collage - design elements - Jacob Lawrence, Romare Bearden
Mimbres - printmaking -  circular plate design - symbolism. Ceramic draped slab bowls Amate painting - on handmade paper - simulated amate paper. Peace Poster - graphic design
Egypt - drawing - tomb painting - crayon resist/batik - proportion - Egyptian style figures Ceramic animals- Sculpture - animal symbolism- endangered animals Heroes portraits - social studies integration . Andy Warhol- Peter Max
Crayon etchings - Greek style vases - "slice of life" - or Olympics Drawing hands - cultural threads - textile design - drawing with collage Heroes Shadow box -  Joseph Cornell. social studies integration
Temple Frame  study of Greek and roman architecture Jazz drawing - musical instruments- with collage Heroes Sculpture - figure sculpture - George Segal - macquette
Roman Mosaics - paper mosaic - endangered animals. Sports Collage - drawing and design Dance sculpture - Keith Haring inspiration - plaster and paper maché
Art Haiti - landscape - drawing form life - patterns-  science integration Surrealism drawing - Ohio history showing the changing landscape Totem - printmaking and ceramic box - Northwest coast native American
Haitian art - Tin Lizard Aluminum Lizards or birds tooled and painted. Relief Sculpture -- power of words - plaster addition Plexiglas engraving print -- architecture inspiration.
Gargoyles -ceramic boxes -  study of Gothic architecture Paper Mache Mancala Game Abstract sculpture -wire/nylon hose
Poster Design - community service - Keith Haring Nature study Drawings Impressionism - self portrait. Impressionist background 
Totem Mask Northwest coast transformation mask - animal symbolism Ceramic Fish
working from nature - learning from a local artist.
Figure Sculpture - Plaster Addition
Van Gogh-scapes abstract watercolor landscape - paper collage - color for emotion Reduction Prints - Andean Textile Designs - with digital color manipulation. Foil tooled frame Heroes Triptych -mixed media - technology integration.
Clay Suns or Picasso style suns- ceramics - draped slab. Tissue Collage - drawing from nature. Georgia O'Keeffe More Middle School Lessons  Incredible Art Department
Picasso Portraits Cubism cut paper - mixed media Japanese Collage - studying Japanese art and textiles Free time - What do I do when I am Finished?
Paper Molas - Study of the Kuna More Middle School Lessons 7 Basic Lessons for P's and E's  
Sports action figure drawing/watercolor    
Medieval Bestiary - Crayon Etching    
Gargoyle Ceramic Mug - Medieval Art    


Surreal hands Locker Drawing Sub Plans

All lessons on this section of the site copyrighted by Judy Decker 
©1998 - 2004. Art teachers may use them freely with their students. Lesson plans may not be published elsewhere. If you use one with your students and display on your school website, a link back to this site will be appreciated. Include how you adapted the lesson to suit your needs.

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