Tuomas is an artist. An artist makes his art with the greatest muscle there is in a human body - with ones heart and Tuomas has a very big one.

For me making End of Innocence was a long project, from the first meeting with Ewo and Tuomas until finished documentary it took a year; a journey one could say, but a very fun journey. During the last weeks and days of editing Tuomas was around, approving the final cut, being very sharp minded, understanding film language, enjoying, laughing, living that late autumn day in the cottage again, living the moments he is telling about again, being silent and uncertain once in a while, asking questions whether it is good to reveal this or that thing, but in the end trusting (trust is the foundation, when making a film or music or having a relationship.). Although he may have lost his innocence, the honesty that Tuomas showed for Mape and me during our visit to Kitee is such of a kind that I wish he always treasures.

There wouldn't be End of Innocence without Tuomas's courage to reveal such personal and painful things (it would not exits without Ewo's and especially Mape's part neither!), one could ask who would be ready to tell such things in his situation and there you have your answer how big an artist he is.
Timo Halo, director & film editor of End of Innocence