
Appendix E



UTSA students may need to pursue questions or concerns involving academic or nonacademic aspects of student life. The Student Ombudsperson assists students who are encountering challenges within the campus community by listening to concerns, providing and clarifying information, identifying and evaluating options, acting as a facilitator or mediator, serving as a referral agent, and making recommendations for change to enhance the mission of the University.

The Student Ombudsperson offers confidential services to all students in a welcoming and safe environment and communicates with various representatives and offices to respond to and help resolve concerns in a timely and impartial manner.

The Student Ombudsperson is located in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs in the main Building 4.108 and may be reached at (210) 458-4136.

General Grievance Procedures

A student grievance may involve a UTSA employee or other students. A student with a grievance involving a University employee should first seek to resolve the problem with the employee. If the matter cannot be resolved with the employee, the grievance can be forwarded to the employee’s supervisor in his or her department.

A student who believes another student has violated the Student Code of Conduct may file a complaint with the Office of Student Judicial Affairs.

In conflict situations that do not require a criminal or student conduct response, or have not been resolved through regular grievance channels, it is recommended that students pursue resolution of their conflict with the Student Ombudsperson.

Academic and Grade Grievance Procedures

In resolving any student grievance regarding grades, evaluations or other academically-related situations involving a faculty member, the student must first make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the faculty member with whom the grievance originated. It is university policy that Individual faculty members retain primary responsibility for assigning grades and evaluations. The faculty member’s judgment is final unless compelling evidence shows discrimination, differential treatment or factual mistake, or violation of a relevant University policy. If the matter is not resolved, the student may file a formal grade grievance with the Department Chair. The student must file the grievance in writing with the Department Chair within 90 calendar days from the end of the term in which the grade was assigned or the other concern or incident occurred.


The Department Chair will communicate his or her decision to the student and forward a copy to the Dean of the College. The student may appeal the decision to the Dean of the College and then to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Appeals to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies must use the Student Academic Grievance Form. The decision of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies is final.


The Department Chair will communicate his or her decision to the student and forward a copy to the Dean of the College. The student may appeal the decision to the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research of the college and then to the Dean of the Graduate School. Appeals to the Dean of the Graduate School must use the Student Academic Grievance Form. The decision of the Dean of Graduate studies is final.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services provides confidential professional services by staff psychologists and professional counselors to help meet the personal and developmental needs of currently enrolled students. Counseling Services has offices at both the Downtown and 1604 Campuses. All services are confidential and voluntary, and most are free to enrolled students.

The transitions and stresses of university life affect all students to a greater or lesser degree. Students coping with these challenging human issues may, at times, need the assistance of a qualified professional. The counseling process helps the student resolve personal concerns and acquire the skills, attitudes, knowledge, and abilities that will enable her or him to take full advantage of the college experience.

Services at the counseling center include individual therapy for personal and educational concerns, counseling for couples with relationship difficulties, and group therapy on topics such as understanding sexual orientation and women’s issues. Counseling Services also helps students assess career choices or screen possible learning disabilities.

The staff is committed to meeting the needs of UTSA students. To that end, they attempt to be as accommodating as possible in an atmosphere that is welcoming and accessible for all students. Counseling Services can be reached by calling (210) 458-4140 (1604 Campus) or (210) 458-2930 (Downtown Campus).

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