Sunday, May 11, 2008
March - April 2008
Editor's Note
For a change
This is our sixtieth issue of Vial, which means nearly 12 years of hard work, and a lot to be proud of.
From day one we have prioritized providing our readers with most reliable information, obtained directly from its source: those who are the protagonists of such news.
Indeed, it is the information content of each issue of Vial that we care about the most.
In undertaking the publication of such a specialized magazine as ours we have constantly consulted experts in the field, whose long-dating experience and academic prestige have proved invaluable in editing every new issue in such a way as to make their inherent complexity a bit easier to read for the layman.
Given the feedback we have obtained, it has become apparent that we have managed to get a foothold in this niche. Hence, we deem it timely to introduce an innovative product even from its graphic design viewpoint.
We acknowledge the help received by all those contributing to seeing through this new project.
As to those who make Vial, we do hope that our readers will be pleased with the latest content-related changes implemented, such as the coverage of the birth of new emblematic vial works thanks to the unremitting effort of both institutions and private companies.
Thus, long-standing dreams of connectivity among far-apart towns are finally coming true in terms of brand new routes.
The long-awaited pavement of National Route 81 and the widening of the Corredor MERCOSUR, consisting of National Route 14, have gained recognition in the region, thereby deserving their coverage in this extraordinary issue of Vial.
Furthermore, these vial works further galvanize regional economies productivity.
And yet, there is so much to be done…
Likewise, mining has also gathered momentum lately. Therefore, the current issue of Vial illustrates extensively such upturn resulting not only from the rise in commodities and global investments but also from a higher yield in corporate investments with a view to improving extraction techniques that may also be environmentally friendly.
It is worth mentioning that this industry is highly committed to this mission. Not surprisingly, this sector is always on the lookout for the latest technologies available.
The private sector, in its turn, should come to terms with the fact that innovation brings about higher earnings and advantages.
Work should be done in conjunction with the public sector so that needs can be assessed accurately and clear goals can be set, thereby paving the way for exponential growth.
With this in mind, there arose the idea of organizing a congress on arids in order to bring together all those who have a say in decision-making processes in this sector and thus improve the technologies, relations and macroeconomics of the activity.
The aim is to go beyond the laboratory; whatever the conclusions reached during such congresses they should eventually reflect themselves in promising decisions for the field.
The current evolution of our country requires that the Education Ministry, Companies and the government act together in the same direction and with the same goal.
2008 is bound to be a crucial year for Argentina in terms of decisions to be made. We do hope them to be the right ones in that they would result in benefits for everyone belonging to this society.
We look forward to receiving your opinions and suggestions on the editorial changes and innovations undertaken, for it is thanks to your contributions that we have been able to go one better in each new issue of Vial.
¡Hasta la próxima!

Analía Wlazlo

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