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©Domitor 2005

Colloque de Domitor á Anne Arbor (2006)

Neuvième colloque international Domitor, 2006
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 
30 May - 2 June

Lisez  plus de cet colloque  ici

Colloque de Domitor á Utrecht (2004)

Utrecht, les Pays-Bas, le 19-23 juin 2004

Lisez  plus de cet colloque  ici

ou venez á Utrecht Domitor 2004 Website 


Les Colloques de Domitor de 1990  á 2002

[übersetzen] Québec 1990
The first such conference was held in Québec at the Musée de la Civilisation in June 1990 on the topic of "Religion and Early Cinema."  
For proceedings see Publications

Lausanne 1992
The second international conference was held in Lausanne in June and July 1992 on the topic "Images Across Borders: Aspects of Internationalilty in World Cinema, 1896-1918." 
For proceedings see Publications

New York 1994
The third conference, "Cinema Turns 100" was held in New York in June 1994. 

Paris 1996
The fourth conference on the films of Pathé Frères was held in Paris in December, 1996
For proceedings see Publications

Washington 1998
The 1998 Domitor Conference was held at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., during the week of June 1st to 5th and was devoted to the topic of sound in Early cinema
For proceedings see Publications

lisez plus de la colloque de 1998

Udine 2000
The 2002 Udine-conference dealt with the subject of  "Cinema and the Other Arts /Le cinéma et les autres arts"
For proceedings see Publications

Montreal 2002
The 2002 Domitor conference on "Early Cinema: Technology and Apparatus / Cinéma des premiers temps: technologie et dispositif" was held in Montreal/Canada
For proceedings see Publications

Dernière modification: 19.07.07 [top]