Kasha J. from Freedom And Roam Uganda (FARUG)
When Ugandans hear that we are advocating for gay rights they imagine we want more or extra rights,but NO,we want what belongs to us which was robbed from us,EQUAL RIGHTS which we are entitled to just like any other Ugandans.
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ack still opposed to gay marriages

Last Updated: May 23, 2006

Page: 1

By Moses Njagih (The Standard)

May 23, 2006: The Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) says its objection to same-sex relationships was final.
Bishop Gideon Ireri of Mbeere Diocese at the weekend said gay marriages were in contravention of the doctrines of the Church and the teachings of the bible.

Ireris’s comments come after a story in a local daily that a UK clergyman visiting the diocese was a patron of a gay lobby group. But Bishop John Gladwin has since denied he was in the country to lobby for gay marriages, saying he had no links with homosexuality.

Speaking at St John’s Mbita Church during the diocese’s education Sunday, Ireri, who is the chairman of the Justice and Peace Commission, said Anglicans in the country objected such relationships.

"We have met in very different forums as the world communion of Anglicans and even the African church and our stand is a big ‘No’. No matter how much anyone may wish to lobby for our support our decision is known," he said.


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