Zuma referring to complainant's sexual orientation and dress code
I speculated that the woman only had girls when there were no boys. She came to me in a skirt that showed her legs... and gave me an indication that she expected me to be of some assistance.
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Last Updated: August 7, 2009

Page: 1

By Smangele Mzizi (BTM Intern)

SOUTH AFRICA ABROAD: A winner in the popular Mr gay South Africa pageant which boasts prizes of over R400 000 in value, will, in addition, get the opportunity to represent the country in the prestigious Mr Gay World contest in 2010.

Brian Merriman, Director for Africa for Mr Gay World recently announced that Mr. Gay South Africa will be given the right to send a representative to participate in Mr. Gay World to be held in Oslo, Norway in February, next year.

Delighted, Juan Lerm, of Mr Gay South Africa said �Our pageant and efforts have been recognised by this international body and they will be keeping a close watch on proceedings.�

Asked if the Mr. Gay South Africa pageant has what it takes to produce an individual who will be able to compete and represent South Africa in an international event, Coenie Kukkuk of Mr Gay South Africa said �our main aim is to win Mr. Gay World.�

He added �we are searching for a candidate whom the LGBTI community in all its diversity can be proud of, We are looking for a gay man of impeccable character, taste and style and of course a temple of a body to house these admirable qualities.�

�Not only are we sending a candidate, we will also be bidding to host the Mr. Gay World event in South Africa in 2011�, Kukkuk revealed.

Two finalists representing the Eastern Cape have already been chosen and regional finals will also be held in the Western Province and Northern Cape on 15 August, Free State on 22 August, KwaZulu Natal on 12 September and in the Northern Provinces (Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga & North West) in September.
The 12 finalists will then be sent off to Mozambique for the final judging process before the main event which will be held towards the end of Nov - Dec 2009.
Entry forms are available on the official website, www.mrgaysouthafrica.co.za.


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